Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Does anyone use the Alton Brown method of starting pasta in cold water?

the food lab book also talks about that method and there’s something in there about cooking it in a saucepan with a small volume of water and not a big pot

Yeah, I’ve used this method from an Ethan Chlebowski video where you use a small enough quantity of water that it basically all gets absorbed by the pasta. It worked pretty well but I usually just boil water anyway because it only works with shorter pastas.

Pastrami looks so gross before it’s smoked

Interim pastrami picture before wrapping.

Couldn’t help myself and had to have a taste. It’s a good pastrami year.



Headed here tonight. My gf and I drove into the city from the finger lakes. …

Legit think maybe i can never live in a city again. … too many people.

That said, while I love the space and quiet of rural life I DO miss the diversity of people and thought and language and food.

All that aside. Vegan comfort food is new-ish to me and I am not inclined to enjoy it. All the heaviness of bar or diner food with none of the familiarity. My brain says it should be healthy but the only thing it’s lean on is cruelty. Which. … isn’t nothing.

Ok rant over. … I’ve had multiple vegan nachos better than the best non-vegan nachos. So it all depends. Will report back.

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First post COVID Hanukkah party was a success


God damn that pastrami looks amazing.

I just want to say I hate you and my screen does not taste as appetizing as those pictures wanted me to think.


the pastrami looks great. sufganiot does not equal donuts though!

Obviously not those (pictured) doughnuts, but would it be wrong to say that sufganiyot are a type of doughnut?

sure, just not these ones. i guess they are similar to what americans call jelly donuts?

If you google it, almost every hit calls it a type of jelly doughnut.

There’s a good Israeli restaurant in Toronto that make sufganiyot where they are jelly filled donuts with a peanut butter sauce. It’s like the world’s great PB&J.

Jelly filled donut with peanut butter or peanut sauce is genius and I don’t know why I’ve never seen it.

Yeah and they’re served hot out of the deep fryer so that peanut butter is melted and gooey and perfect. I have had a lot of great deserts but this one was way up there.

Got a tenderloin sliced up into steaks and the butcher asked if I wanted the trimmings. I said of course I do. I now have a vac sealed bag of tenderloin scraps.

What it do?

Cheesesteak, imo

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Tried porcetta tonight. Pretty happy with the result.