Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

A well-seasoned cast iron pan that’s very hot when you put the fish down, and enough oil to completely coat the bottom, combine to make this pretty consistent in my hands. I should get a better fish spatula, though.

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Yeah that’s where I messed up, when I went to flip it I left half of it in the cast iron skillet. It was a brand new skillet and was the first thing I cooked in it.

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Heh, mistakes were made, but certainly forgivable ones.

I’ll try again. My skillet now looks like Exxon Valdez ran aground in it

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What is everyone planning for the Super Bowl?

Velveeta and evidence of something resembling nutrition but nahhhhh


Probably another batch of Cincinnati-style chili.

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100% having breakfast/lunch at Skyline.

Over the top smoked chili.

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Made Kenji’s beef stew. It was really fucking good. Worth the effort.

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@MrWookie , ever do over the top chili?

Not sure exactly what you mean. Kenji’s chili from his cookbook is pretty over the top, but it’s not self-described as such, so probably not? That’s the most over the top chili I’ve made.

Over the top chili - make your normal base however you want. Take your raw, seasoned ground beef, make a big loaf out of it, set it on a grate on top of your pot of chili, put in smoker for a couple of hours. When the meat is cooked, crumble it up and put it in the pot.

Alright, that’s not at all what I was picturing. Never done it, never heard of it, but it sounds pretty delicious. Seems a little unnecessary for ground beef, though. Ever thought about using cubed chuck?

Sure, chuck or a brisket would work too, just would take a lot longer to smoke.

I’ve made lots of chili with leftover smoked brisket, but never did an over the top chili with one.

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From Belly to Bacon

This blog has been collecting dust for a few years, but is a great resource for out-of-the-box thinking about cooking.

I get those all the time from Costco, but I usually just cut them myself into 1.5" thick chops, seal, and freeze them for sous vide + sear later.

Getting some Super Bowl eats together


Getting ready for the Super Bowl.


So, we have an old family recipe for Sauerkraut Balls, in which we blended kraut, sausage, onion, and a few spices and bound them together with cream cheese, then breaded and fried them. We did that this year, and I was inspired to do something similar with kimchi and chopped galbi, seen here.

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