Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

I used to do other fillets en papillote. Pretty much a meal in a parchment bag. You add seasoning, butter, herbs, white wine, lemon wheel and veggies. Seal it up and bake and in like 15 minutes you get fish fillet with veg and sauce ready to go.


You could try crusting salmon in nuts/seeds, then baking it.

I usually just go for some ad hoc spice mix and sear on the stove, then finish in the oven.

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When you have a question about fish it’s never a bad idea to look for tips from Eric Ripert.


Made pork chops with a lemon sauce. Pretty good for a 20 minute meal.


Combine 1/4 cup oil
Zest from a lemon
Juice from a lemon
Dried oregano
Tablespoon of Dijon mustard
Juice from meat after its rested

Shake the shit out of it in a plastic jar.


Hubby texted me at 5 pm and said, “don’t eat yet, we caught dinner.” He and our roommate found some crabs on the rocks at sunset cove and grabbed 'em.

Because I had no time to go to the store, I had to make do with what we had lying around. Cooked some pasta, then after they boiled and got all the meat out of the crabs, I had enough to make an easy sauce that turned out really nice. Garlic, 1/4 of an onion and a little bit of crushed red pepper sautéed in olive oil and butter, the crab meat, a little bit of lime juice and chicken stock, then about 1 Tbsp Old Bay made for a really flavorful non-dairy sauce that had a spicy kick at the finish. It was a hit.

Before you judge, both my husband (from PA near the MD border) and I (mother went to Towson St and U of M) grew up with Old Bay and we love it for seafood.


Wow, really good! I like Old Bay seasoning, not sure why somebody would object to it. It’s mostly celery and paprika with some extra stuff to round out the flavor.

Sounds pretty great, but:

doesn’t exactly make it a

Combine lime juice, soy sauce, olive oil, minced garlic, and finely chopped cilantro and mix thoroughly. Spoon over filets and cook immediately.

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ok, you;re right. lol I was trying to think of a short way to say “without using heavy cream”

I really like experimenting with sauces. Some turn out kinda meh, but this one was good.

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Reminds me of Kenji’s scrambled egg recipe. Like yea, anything is good with half a stick of butter in it.

Old Bay is impossible to find in CA restaurants. It’s very disheartening. Most people out here don’t even know what it is. Fortunately the grocery stores have it.

I see you have uncovered the secret of French cuisine. Bon appetit!


The funny thing is you dont need NEAR that much butter. Make sure the pan is greased sure, but thats about it. Go SUPER low and slow and keep the eggs moving and youll get amazing curds. Finish with some large grain salt, fresh cracked prepper, and fresh grated cheese and you got killer eggs

not a native marylander and not a huge fan of old bay, but U of M is sandpaper to my ears as opposed to UMD or even UMCP

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There are plenty of ways to make great scrambled eggs. Lots of butter is definitely one of those ways. I am also partial to scrambled eggs with full fat sour cream whipped in. My usual scrambled egg ratio would be two eggs / 1 tablespoon butter / 1 teaspoon full fat sour cream.

Sloppy Baos


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Compressed watermelon with half a stick of butter?

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sorry! that’s what my (admittedly old) parents call it

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Agree, I’m in the you don’t need a pound of butter, milk, cream or whatever else people add to them egg camp.