Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

I’ve got a Vitamix. It is criminally underused, but it will blend the shit out of whatever you put into it. I’ve got no basis for comparison, but if it dies, I’ll just get another one.

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I’ve made a ton of shit with my Blend Tec. It’s also solid.

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our blendtech overheated once, some smoke was visible. internet search says to let it cool and check if it still works. and it did. no other issues for 5+ years now

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Just placed an order for an 8 lb slab of pork belly from a local producer that finishes their hogs on hazelnuts, Iberico-style. Merry Christmas to me and everyone who’ll be eating with me.


Not sure what to do for sides yet, though. Some sort of potato, maybe sous vide carrots? Something green?

this is the closest i’ve seen to @goofyballer’s infamous “i got too much eth can someone help me” post.

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You know its possible to eat 8 lbs by yourself. This “everyone who’ll be eating with me” nonsense is loser talk.

Patatas bravas seems like a no brainer.


Shortbread Cookies

1.5 C sifted powdered sugar
1C butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
2.5 C sifted flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 tsp salt

Cream butter and sugar, then beat in vanilla and egg. Mix dry ingredients in and thoroughly chill dough, then roll to 3/16" and cut into desired shapes and add sprinkles. Bake at 400F for 6-8 minutes or until edges begin to turn golden brown. I have a cookie rolling mat and cover for my rolling pin that I keep in the freezer to make the rolling easy. Also throw down a little flour to keep the dough from sticking. Recipe passed down from my diminutive but terrifying Swedish great grandma. Best shortbread cookie on the planet and worth the effort imo.


How about some roasted winter squash mashed with butter and brown sugar?

i like something fresh with a pork belly. like an arugula salad or something. it might be considered socialism though.

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This is a great idea. I would say that thinks that are acidic are going to be big winners with pork belly because pork belly is straight up fat.

2nd shipment of chili crisp arrived.
At first i wasn’t sure it was as addictive as i said but then i noticed that under the 3 day delivery notes i wrote “will suck your dick if you make in 2”.


Nice! Did the Coco Real emulsify alright?

Looks great.

Can we assume that you cleaned them out?

Scene from this morning


Holy shit. How many people are you feeding?

6 adults, 2 preschoolers. 8 lbs of pork belly sourced from a local operation that finishes their pork on hazelnuts. Not going through this trouble without leftovers. In the water bath at 155 F until tomorrow evening.

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Its a bit underdone.

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Christmas night bump. I think more than half my posts in this thread involve prime rib but tis the season and all that.