Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

I think this can also be used as the “making good cocktails” thread.

My wife wanted to make cocktails while we decorated the tree.

Coconut margs turned out pretty legit.



Here you guys go.

I made some adjustments based on what I had but it was good!

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I just used honey and it was fine. I also accidentally grabbed coconut cream instead of milk which ended up not dissolving all the way so I hadn’t strain it back out.

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Had some knockoffs (trader joe one meh, one japanese variation from safeway was tasty), finally got what i assume is the original one?


Yeah, that’s the stuff.

I was disappointed when I put it to the test. It was built up so much that I thought it was going to be the best thing ever. The problem I had is that I found it has a weird, almost medicinal taste to it if you use a lot (which I did, because I like most things extremely spicy).

Another way to describe the problem is that it tastes like chili oil (which I love) plus some additional flavors (which I don’t love). I guess I just need to find a good chili oil.

I might need to give it another try. It’s been in the refrigerator since that first use.

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I tried a spoon without anything else and that metallic taste i assume is the sichuan peppercorns? I didnt check if it has any but my tongue feels numb already so im guessing yes

Maybe that’s it. I’m terrible at identifying what ingredient causes what taste.

I have had other dishes with szechuan peppercorns and I notice the numbing/tingling, but not that exact weird metallic taste. Maybe it’s the combo of that plus whatever else is in there.

Maybe it’s the spoon.

I used it on some steamed dumplings with chopsticks. I guess I transferred it out of the bottle with a spoon, though.

Might be lupus

Chili crisp is packed with MSG, if you eat a spoon size serving out of the jar it will definitely taste too strong. Think of it as a seasoning, not a sauce. If you eat a teaspoon of cumin out of the jar it also doesn’t taste great.

I’m gonna try and make this recipe, but wow, that blog gives me weird vibes.

Any fish sauce experts here? Im addicted to it but i just buy whatever is in the white people supermarket.

I went to a bahn mi place in sacramento that has a grocery section and they had these brands. Anyone you recommend?

Red Boat - GOAT.

I’ve had the latter two and Red Boat. Not sure I could tell the difference between them once they’re in a dish.

Yeah same experience here. It’s tough because I like to eat it on things like pizza rolls where if I put enough on that every roll has some crisp on it, it often has that kind of funky taste to it.

i use fish sauce as a condiment/dipping sauce to basically everything. Mix it with lime/lemon juice, garlic and whatever chilies i have. so not sure if that’s in the dish definition cause it’s kinda “raw”.

Made my grandma’s salmon patties and eggs for breakfast. It’s been 30+ years but still as awesome as I remember


Dan Dan noodles are an unbelievable dish.

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