Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Prettay good, but needs more bacon

Also, did you skip the lettuce? It is the Ringo of the sandwich, but you still gotta have it.

Arugula is a winning play.

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Yeah, that counts

The lettuce I was going to use was brown unfortunately. Still great without.

Anyone have an Ooni? I’ve been wanting an Egg but I have a smoker and a Weber kettle grill already so I’m just missing out on a high temp option for searing steaks and I love that type of pizza.

Have you guys every tried Hong Kong mixed coffee and tea? I just slapped together a sloppy version using the tea I have at home and some basic coffee, I have to say this is better than I expected (and I’m probably not even doing it right). But I suspect it might just be that the evaporated milk makes a rich drink. Whatever, I’m not going to overthink it.

Anyone like Chili Crisp as a condiment? It’s like fried chilis and garlic all chopped up in a chili oil sauce. Outrageously good.

I’ve only ever had a cheaper, generic version but was recently gifted this stuff from a friend. It’s called Fly By Jing and it’s fucking awesome.

That little booklet has the story on what Chili Crisp is, along w a bunch of recipes. In addition to the actual taste of the product, the unboxing experience was also elite for a CPG.

Fly By Jing


I use it all the time. Good shit.

Literally eat it on everything. One of the best condiments.


Okay i’m sold which are the decent cheap ones?

Lao Gan Ma


I just sent Jing my resume and tried to convey how much I’d like to work for them developing new products.

Probably another email fired into the void during my job search but lolz stay tuned!

BACK TO FOOD BRO: I put a heaping tablespoon of it in a bowl of popcorn and whoah nelly it was good.


I recently watched this video on Hong Kong diner breakfast.

This week I have been enjoying the “macaroni soup” for breakfast. Its trivially easy to make and a nice break from traditional western breakfast.

Here’s my reproduction:


More breakfast experiments today. Cooler September weather is a great time for … spam soup!

10/10 will eat again. Spam really enriches the chicken broth with extra fat and sodium. This is a surprising winner IMO.


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I’m probably top 1% of adventurous eaters but the one meal I can’t seem to enjoy other than the traditional western version is breakfast.

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I accept Spam rejection as a valid viewpoint, but I think I personally lean toward the view that Spam is in fact a delicacy.

I kinda have a bias against western mass produced ingredients that became a staple of other cuisines through war/occupation. Hong Kong stuff made with campbell soup or hawaiian spam or some fillipino things just seem wrong to me.

Israeli breakfast is very good (if it uses good ingredients of course). It’s very heavy on vegetables though which is a red flag for some.

I hear what you’re saying but I think this is too extreme. Using this logic, Italian tomato sauce and Irish potato soup are forever tarnished because they only exist because Europeans colonized the Americas.