Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

I have documented, I don’t remember if here or back on 22, a full beef pho cook according to SE but that does not differ materially in technique from other recipes I perused. It is delicious, but a fair bit of work and a ton of time.

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Someone’s aware of my peach surplus!


I love pho. Not sure my wife does though, which was probably the issue.

Don’t usually do chicken pho though. Usually beef. If I’m getting a chicken soup dish at a vietnamese joint, it’s almost always going to be mi hoanh thanh. That’s my go to when I get sick, unless I make matzo ball soup.

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If I remember correctly, I thought the pressure cooker pho had an odd flavor, which leads me to believe I dicked up the recipe somewhere.

Oh right, you know Vietnamese food better than I do. Lol me. I still think something went wrong.

I think so too. I might take another shot at it when the weather turns to shit in the PNW. I’ll get my wife a burrito from the local taco truck that night.

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Also, apropos of nothing, I’ve lost about 10 pounds since I bought my new bike. Might have to change my screen name in another 4 or 5 months. (Though, cycling is going to come to a quick close in the next 3 months when the rain starts.)


Heh, yup. Biking to work every day is how I lost a ton of weight, too. Pandemic is how I put it all back on.

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@Yuv , I have the goods:

I like them, but can’t imagine them being a big thing in America. Not sweet enough for us.

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Fine, i guess americans don’t love their children

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by the way, Bamba isn’t a sweet snack. It has a salty-sweet combo which is actually kinda American. Further analysis needed.

This is similar (at least based on your description I think it is) and it’s pretty popular here in the Czech Republic, though I’ve always found it kind of dry or mealy. (They’re also super cheap, so maybe I’ve just had bad quality ones).

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they do look similar, probably a bit smaller but it’s hard to scale. The puffiness of Bamba makes up for the dryness.

Gonna need to up the sugar content by about two cups per bag if they want fat Americans to eat it.

Got ripe tomatoes finally the last few days. BLT night!



Damn that looks good. We have tomatoes coming in like crazy now. I’m going to make a BLT this weekend.

I’ve given up cured meats and damn I miss BLTs. GOAT sandwich.


Time for some uncured-sous-vide-pork-belly-LTs?

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I’m mostly off red meat in general, tbh.

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