Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

I’m going to give some away. I’ll try and eat 3 peaches a day for the next week. Maybe make a tart then freeze the rest for god knows what. It looks like the best play is to soak them in a lemon juice solution to prevent browning. Peeling is 50/50 so I probably won’t do that for time sake.

You probably have enough that rotten spares could be used to pelt your most annoying neighbor.

Good tip. Revenge time.

How does one accidentally buy 45 pounds of peaches?

Well…. There was this vendor set up when I was driving on my lunch break. I went in for like a couple pounds but the only thing left was this giant container worth. I panicked, thought I could easily go through them, and proceeded to hand him my discover card. I now possess said peaches. I definitely could have just asked for some of them, but I didn’t.


There is so much wrong with this BLT. It’s blasphemous.

I’d eat it

I would eat it too, but the bread to tomato ratio is absurd.

Google tells me there is such a thing as pickled peaches.

You can just make jam, seems like an easy solution.

Also maybe try using pureed peaches in a marinade for grilling.

You can make a marzipan like substance with the pits

not a fan of canned peaches, by dehydration is easy and practical during almost any harvest season. figs are upon us m, and prune season is only a couple of weeks away.

i’ve done that too. it’s much more hassle than it’s worth

@NotBruceZ werent you going to do an Iron Chef challenge thing?

I wanted to do a Recipe Club thing. Didn’t want to push it while on vacation, plus was hoping to get through more podcasts while figuring out how to do it for more than three people.

I know this is just a me thing, but I find that disgusting. When I go to such a place, I insist on two plates: one for pancakes and one for everything else. I also always eat all non-pancake items first and pancakes after. No alternating.

Yes this is weird AF, but in my defense it is really only a problem when there are savory things along with things I need to douse with syrup.