Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

I been messing around with tuna salad sandwiches using pesto instead of mayo as a was to get my RDA of mercury. So far artichoke/lemon zest pesto works extremely well and is dirt simple. It just looks like a regular tuna salad, idk if I’m required to post a picture or not.


Got the recipe for the pesto? I’ve been eating more tuna sandwiches too.

Damn you have a Pesto coffee table book? You guys are on another level.

It’s a pesto table book about pestos.


Avocados are another good way to get creamy tuna salad without mayo.

Nuts + Parmesan + jarred artichoke hearts + lemon zest + olive oil and you grind it up in a mortar & pestle and then toss it with the finest pole-caught canned tuna that Kroger sells.

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I know there’s a fast food thread somewhere but too lazy to search. I had the mcgriddle for the first time this week. Wtf is that weird concoction. egg cheese and a gallon of fake maple syrup. It was really bizarre. Not even in the tasty/not-tasty scale.

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You have to dip it in ketchup and put the hash brown on top of the egg

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I actually asked for the buffalo sauce because I thought it will need heat but they gave me BBQ instead. It did not need more sugar :frowning:

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Well if you get a breakfast at a diner with pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs it’s basically all the same stuff. So I wouldn’t say it’s an unnatural combination, except maybe the addition of a chess slice which is a bit weird. Probably if you made it at home with better quality ingredients it would actually be pretty good.

people eat scrambled eggs with maple?

No, what I’m saying is that if you get a pancake breakfast with eggs and bacon all those flavors are going to be on the plate. You’re not necessarily going to pour maple syrup over your eggs, but you’re going to alternative bites.

Actually, I bet that if you took a McGriddle exactly as it is but removed all the high fructose corn syrup from the production and put a light drizzle of real maple syrup on instead, then it would be fine.

yeah all the ingredients were fine. It was just the one bite with syrup eggs and cheese that made me very confused.

Big fan of the sausage, egg and cheese mcgriddle. Agree that the cheese is a bit weird but the other flavors are all fine together.

They also had a chicken mcgriddle which was good too

Spatchcocked a chicken and grilled over charcoal with grape vine chips. Brushed with a mustard/tarragon/Worcestershire sauce toward the end. Bit of a chore, but totally worth it. Would do again.


I just bought 45 pounds of peaches on semi accident. How long will they last in the fridge? I assume i should peel/cut/freeze any I don’t eat? Favorite recipes?

Peach salsa is pretty good and can probably be frozen.

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45 lbs!? They keep for about a week for me, so 6 lbs/day is a lofty goal, imo. You’re gonna be going full Bubba: peach salsa, peach cobbler, peach pie, peach tart, peach salad, peach gumbo, peach etouffe, boiled peaches, grilled peaches, peaches and grits,

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I mean, I use frozen peaches in breakfast smoothies all the time. Certainly a few pounds could be simply diced up and frozen for future use. Just need to figure out what to do with the other, uh, 40 pounds.

Canned peaches is a thing if you’re into that sort of project.


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