Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Touring with Phish during that time I ate a ton of bean burritos and grilled cheese also. Yes, I ate and drank dairy products still and had fish also but rarely.

My friend and I went snowboarding from Breck to Steamboat for a huge storm they got and he offered me surf and turf at some place in Steamboat and was willing to pay and I have been eating meat since.

I think the red radishes should work well. They have a stronger, more peppery flavor than daikon, but if you grow them I assume that you like that taste.

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Forgot how good this was, made some rice and mixed in smoked salmon, soy, and some chili sauce. So easy and so good. Colorado has Honey Smoked Salmon which is particularly good in this application.

Since a banh mi has spicy elements, the strong flavor of red radish might not be as big of a problem.

Jicama is a possible substitute.

Red radish is probably a terrible substitute for daikon in the vast majority of situations, but it might actually work in a banh mi.

Googling daikon substitute suggests horseradish which is more potent than radishes unless they are older radishes imo. I’ll maybe just add a larger proportion of carrots and see what happens.

You can just peel red radish to make it less spicy. The zing is mostly in the red surface. The white centers of a red radish are probably a reasonable substitute for daikon.


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Demi-Glace or Bearnaisse just ain’t going to generate the same amount of clicks.

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Not sure if it will work for you but the Trader Joe’s meatless sausage patties are very popular with my daughter. Probably not as good for cooking but they do a good job of imitating both the texture and flavor of sausage.

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Lol, steak doesn’t need any sauce you heathens

no pre-bottled sauce, but demi-glace or something is a totally pro move

Head explode: Sauce Foyot - demi glacé mounted into béarnaise.

GOAT steak sauce.

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I’m cool with people eating food whatever way they want. I like stuff like chimichurri on steak. Or a fried egg - perfectly cooked egg yolk is an amazing steak sauce.

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I don’t know about cool.

I will gladly ridicule someone for putting ketchup on steak but I will defend to the death their right to eat and enjoy it.

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Yes in principle but when I think of the steak that gets A1 put on it, I know it is most likely way overdone and that gives me a sad.

I like Heinz 57, but for stuff like rotisserie chicken. If I eat steak with something out of a bottle, it’s going to be Worcestershire sauce.

back in the day when i overcooked my steaks, i’d often have it with wasabi and a bit of soy sauce. i’m fairly sure i got it feom a roommate who got it from george foreman grill recommended recipes. i would still have it that way now, if the meat was mediocre, but nowadays i get better meat that i don’t want to waste.

A bit of a come @ me remark, but i’d say not only is sauce unnecessary, a lot of the steaks i had in steakhouses were over-buttered

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Restaurant food tends to be over buttered across the board, not just steakhouses. At least western restaurants ranging from trattoria to bistros to diners.