Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Maaaaaan, ha! It’s been a weird trajectory for me. Restaurants, butcher shops, retail food. I started a small sausage company, making and selling locally-sourced sausage and charcuterie at a big farmer’s market in my city. That lasted a whopping whole summer before I realized that retail meat food-things were Lol Not Scalable.

And here, now, I’m saying No to meat. The meat industry is generally repulsive and the people within it are awful. I’m probably still filed under “hypocrite” at this point, but fuck it.

The point of me posting this is to maybe explain why I can reputably recommend that Wichita purchase local hotdogs while also soap-boxing my vegetarianism.


Hot take about steak from FB land. I don’t have an air fryer but am dubious.

Also, person is trying to exercise and diet which is pretty lol in itself.

Here’s one solution to my excess green onion supply - wrap em in eggs and serve with steak for breakfast.


Two bone rib roasts work great in a flavorwave which is essentially an air fryer minus the instagram bullshit. Oil the outside to conduct heat. Flip it half way through if you want.

Eggs and green onion is the perfect combo. I can’t eat eggs without them.

I also like to put a dollop of sour cream in my scrambled eggs, and that’s another natural ally to the green onions (or chives, which I actually prefer but I’m sitting on all these green onions).


Not sure what recipe you’re referring to (too lazy to look back through) and by no means a tea expert but the smokiest tea I’ve had is pu-erh and I think that should be relatively widely available.

Got some wagyu hot dogs from Sprouts a couple weeks back which felt like a stupid splurge but they were actually pretty delicious. That said not sure they price difference is worth it over Nathans/Hebrew National.

Lapsang souchong is a good tea for smokey flavor. Easily available.


It was this. I wasn’t shopping for it. MrsWookie just reported that she couldn’t find it at our local Asian grocery store. Maybe she missed it, but that’s what she said.

Its not a slam dunk to find. I used to get it in Toronto Chinatown but its not in generic grocery stores in Toronto.

General Tso’s Tofu w Gai Lan and Rice


Good chance this is the one I was thinking of and reversed them in my mind - had a buddy who was way into tea and those were the two I remember most distinctly. I think he used to order them from some tea supplier.

That’s some nice plating for breakfast at home. I’m assuming tomatos are raw? Not a fan of the cooked English breakfast tomato. Raw is definitely a step up.

Fairly nice day here for once in the low 80s so smoked a chicken while I drank a couple beers on the patio and watched the EURO final. 260-270ish for 3 hours and change on my Kamado using lump and apple wood. Still needs to rest but looks promising.


Been smashed at this pt but you get the idea. Turned out great.


I finally bought my first cast iron pan. I picked this model because it fits in the countertop oven I use.


I rarely eat beans or lentils other than some steamed edamame. I even avoid green beans and baked beans. It’s one of the last food groups I don’t eat due to being a picky eater growing up, but I’d like to fix that.

I’m more adventurous when I cook at home, any good bean or lentil dishes you all would suggest?

Every OP post here should have a recent pic of a meal, so here’s Kenji’s sous vide pork carnitas. The meat was amazing, my pickled red onions and the queso fresco were way too bland though.


Mejadra can ease you into lentils.

I don’t have a recipe i use because you just wing it but Ottelenghi is usually highly praised for his books

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