Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

There’s a new show on netflix with the ‘dayuuum’ youtube fast food guy. Their thing is ‘food porn’ slow mo images of deep frying, like boiling oil.

I’m not sure if that was a thing here, but growing up we had these ads to raise awareness to skin cancer that used pretty much the same imagery (only at lower definition). I was watching an episode and all I could think of was cancer.

Has anyone noticed their tolerance for spicy foods going down with age. I’ve noticed a small but definite reduction in the level I find most enjoyable. I don’t know that it’s necessarily bad. If I can feel the same kick with a bit less, then that might be a benefit.

I’m the opposite. My tolerance/enjoyment is increasing with age.


What kind of baseline are you working with? Normally when I went to a restaurant I ordered the max spice level available. Very rarely it was too much, but most of the time it was not enough.

Now the times that it is too much are slightly more numerous.

I wouldn’t say I was that extreme. I’ve always loved spicy but more of a standard pub hot wings level. Sometimes the “non-white” versions of Thai or Indian food could be too much for me.

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My mouth’s enjoyment has gone up. My stomach’s tolerance has gone down.


Yeah, this is me.

I guess I had pretty much no way to go but down. For me it is both mouth and stomach.

Things have gotten hotter also haven’t they?

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For sure.

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I was wondering that as well. Similar to THC levels in plants.

Ghost pepper only came to the west in 2000.




One podcast that I started listening to during my 20+ hours each way drive to and from Las Vegas was David Chang’s Recipe Club. Anyone interested in doing some friendly competition along those lines?

Cliffs? Is it something like we decide on a recipe and everyone cooks it and then get judged?

I’m down to cook stuff and have people laugh at it but I suck at cooking for the most part.

For the podcast, a dish or ingredient is chosen and three people (usually Dave Chang, Chris Ying, and a guest) submit a recipe, usually found on the web, but with occasional originals. Then the three participants cook each recipe and comment. I think it’s more a vehicle for good commentary about food and home cooking than a serious competition. I have an idea for how to do something like that with more than three participants.


I’m in on this.

Would prefer it to be ingredient-centric rather than recipe based as I am vegetarian and my wife is gluten free.


Seems fun. I’m probably in.

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