Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Let’s do it this way.

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  • Yes, occasionally but not regularly
  • Yes, I’ll try it one time but won’t commit to more
  • No, but I might in the future
  • No and I probably won’t change my mind

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#Pesto Summer continues with artichoke/lemon pesto. I had to cheat and use the food processor because artichokes are tricky in my mortar and pestle for some reason. Very zesty!



so we got a wrong bag in a grocery delivery and they told us to keep it.

it had this jar of black sesame and two packs of nori seaweed. i’m not going to do sushi anytime soon. any other use for these ingredients?

it also had 6 avocados, some jalapeneos, corn, pearl onions and wassabi. so i assume they were going for a taco bell ayce sushi night

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Nori/sesame pesto w sesame oil.

The most obvious use to me would be some sort of Asian-influenced salad. You can probably add them to anything and call it “fusion”.

Here’s a recipe you can use:


maybe they were aiming for that. i already ate the avocados though. should have planned better


Found a taek hotter than my grill:

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grunching but he’s right. kitchens are designed for better cooking even tho they provide a worse experience for some dishes.

This is definitely correct. Especially if we’re talking about a gas grill.

Admittedly, I suck at grilling, but I think that anything that I can make on the grill, I could do a better job of in the kitchen.

Broiler like an Applebee’s or something.

What I hear here is that some of you are propane and/or propane accessory salesmen.

If you need to use the stovetop I’d fry them on 4 different pans. Toast the buns, american cheese slices if they want and side options slice up tomatoes, onions, lettuce, etc. This is assuming you don’t have a grill or anything. You can bake/broil some I suppose? I’ve never actually done that with burgers. They are hamburgers though. DQ microwaves theirs. I’d try whatever tbh.

I just bought fry splatter guards in the mesh style and the supposed better silicon cone things. It happens. It sucks to clean.

Lowering the temperature will decrease the splatter.

I was literally just thinking about this very thing yesterday when making some smashed burgers for the family for dinner. It’s definitely more work, but it’s by far better than anything I can get out of a grill. Grill may win for quantity, but kitchen is better for quality.

Actually last time I “grilled” a burger. I got a griddle, stuck it on the grill and just cooked the burgers on that.

Sous vide ribeye seared on charcoal is goat. Am in the right forum?

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It’s at least way up there. Needs to be a thicker steak and a ripping hot coals without much separation from the grill to get a good sear, though.

This is my issue. I can only sear one steak on top of the volcano. If we do one thing as a forum maybe we should figure out something and then somehow profit. I’ve never used an Egg or anything so maybe they work better.

Heh, that’s part of the reason behind when I’ve done it, it’s always been a big ass tomahawk. “One” steak that serves 2+.

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I’m single so I just fill the chimney starter and get it roasting and set the weber grill plate over it and then god damn. But doing multiples for friends and things it doesn’t work.

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If you have them cooked sous vide, then it doesn’t take more than a couple-few minutes per side, so you can do a few inside the span of an appropriate rest time.