Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

you’d have to travel to like bulgaria or poland for canned tomatoes.

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Marzipan is my favorite sweet. I never see it in the US. Walked in the supermarket today and saw this thing, on sale even! I tossed one in the cart knowing that it was too cheap to be good, but the fomo was too big.

Open one at home. Tastes like powdered sugar. Clearly no Almonds in it. Read the box. Says “Marzipan style”. They took advantage of my inability to read more than a single word. Bastards.



marzipan is gross. admittedly probably never had a good one.

I think it’s pretty terrible, too, but I also find it hard to believe that it’s actually hard to find. I’ve found it once without trying too hard to try it and hate it, but maybe that wasn’t the real stuff or something?

I mean it’s not like I am actively seeking out Marzipan and not finding any. It’s just not popular (as evident here).

Do you like Amaretto? I think it has a cilantro-type quality of love/hate.

In general the “goodness” of Marzipan is mostly on the percentage of almonds to sugar. More sugar less goodness.

This is my experience exactly.

My usual cocktail is bourbon and amaretto. Amaretto itself is much too sweet. At the same time, I was under the impression that many amarettos, or at least DiSaronno, was made from peach pits and not almonds. Even if I’m wrong about that, amaretto doesn’t really remind me of marzipan, although it’s been a while.

The pro move is to do this exact thing but also add a more flavorful but not as melty cheese, like an aged cheddar, a smoked gouda, etc. The American cheese will help those cheeses melt as well, letting you get a mac and cheese that is easy, gooey, and more flavorful.


peach pits (I thought it was apricot but i guess it’s about the same) extract tastes very similar to almond extract and i think is interchangeable at times.

The best dessert I ever had was at Steirereck in Vienna and it had an ice cream made out of the pits of some local type of apricot. Tasted like the best almond ice cream ever.

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I’m aware of the flavor extraction from other pits that tastes like almonds. I’ve done a few tries of making my own amaretto, and peach pits were much closer to the real deal than almonds (not that they were actually all that great, tbh). But now I’m grumpy that you’re making me want to go back to Vienna for something I missed when there is so much of the world yet to see with my limited time and resources.

Vienna is top 5 cities in Europe easily.

“Easily” is hard for me to agree with, but it’s up there. Paris and Rome are really hard to beat, food and sights. I’ve technically been to London but only for a brief layover and not a proper visit. Even with my ignorance it’s hard to put it outside of a top 5 just knowing what I’ve not yet seen. Barcelona was absolutely amazing, again food and sights. And then it’s super hard for me to pick another. Vienna, Munich, and Florence were spectacular, and I can’t dismiss Ljubljana and places I haven’t visited like Madrid, Budapest, and Prague. I guess my bottom line is that travel is awesome, and it’s hard to not be googly eyed when enjoying new places or thinking about new ones to see.

I love Slovenia, it’s one of my favourite countries, but Ljubljana probably doesn’t make it into my top 25 European cities. There’s not a lot going on there.

Vienna probably does make the top 5, in fact it’s hard to see what would displace it at #3 for me, after Berlin and Paris.

MrsWookie loved Berlin, but she visited for work, and I didn’t get to go.

Maybe that’s what she likes about it.


Need some ideas for delicious summer meals in 100+ degree weather heat. The part of my brain that comes up with things to cook has stopped functioning. Meatless is a plus.

Heh, reminds me of the time my mother-in-law was bamboozled by “Passover-style” cake at the mediocre deli near their house in Phoenix.

I had this delicious almond-tasting drink in China that was apparently made of apricot pits. I think one time I actually found a box of it at one of the Asian stores here but it’s been a while since I’ve seen it.

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I don’t have a recipe, but I’m sure @MrWookie has something.


A cold Asian noodle saddle with either pasta or spiralized zucchini or summer squash (uncooked) is a nice hot weather meatless meal.

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Good call. A few months back I became obsessed with pasta salad and made a really good one that hit the spot. Sounds like something both my wife and daughter would like too.

Check out some of these.