Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

My dog loves canned smoked mackerel but I don’t know if its actually bad for her. That shit is not cheap so she’s only getting a nibble anyway.

Username checks out.


Good bot.

Also, don’t buy non-farmed steelhead. There really aren’t many left. I don’t fish for them any more because of the decline. Basically, don’t eat steelhead.

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My dog ate the salmon and sweet potato kirkland food. She’s on beef now because they were out during covid when I stopped in.

I am putting in an order with my local Chinese grocery to replenish my pantry. Any suggestions on favorite pantry items I should try? They also have a modest amount of Japanese ingredients, for example I will get some QP mayo in this order.

If you have favorites let me know and I’ll try them.

Togarashi goes on everything!

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This is a rare ingredient I can actually get at my local Caucasian grocery store. Loblaws carried this in their spice mixture house brand!

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Few diff lao gan ma bottles (crisp, bean). Fresh red chillis for the freezer, dry chillis for pantry. Miso paste / soup bases. Lychee. Furikakes. Dry shitake if it’s cheap. Wood ear fungus is nice to have around. MSG. White pepper. Five spice. Dark soy.

Literally just spitballing the pantry stuff I usually get. The ones I go to tend to have more variety of herbs so I load up on thai basil and weird greens, too, but tend to avoid meat + fish for hygiene + depressed at the tanks.


This is the kind of thing I usually order. My go to items are chili crisp, broad bean paste, and black bean paste. Any other favorites?

I won’t be getting any fresh greens or meats/fish because this is a box they’ll need to ship to me. Since the pandemic started I have been ordering boxes of non perishables from them to ship to me because I am no longer regularly in the city. That will change later this year probably.

Chili oil with black bean is the one most Chinese people use.

I’m a little creeped out by their meat in oil products :) but their oil chili condiment with mushroom sounds intriguing (xianggu youlajiao).

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Fermented chili bean paste. An absolutely delicious ingredient that I had never experimented with until a few years ago.


I made a red Thai curry for the first time using a store bought curry paste. Has anyone made their own curry paste? I watched a few youtube videos on it and now I am intrigued.

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Yep, this is a pantry staple for us and we use it almost weekly.

Hint: the secret ingredient is the MSG!

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It’s pesto season once again. Making a roasted jalapeno/cilantro pesto pizza. Very simple and delish.


cilantro is in pesto?

Also, do you keep cilantro from bolting somehow or just keep it growing from seed every few weeks?

I have a 5 year old tree here in S.America, they’re called “guayaba nativo” and are delicious. They rippen in late autumn and at their tastiest when just fallen from the free. We go out every morning for a week and scoop them up before the chooks/bugs get to them.

Unfortunately they’re currently not really grown commercially as each tree rippens at slightly different times plus they have high variance in fruit size/flavour. Real shame as they require very little care, are very well adapted to the climate and have very few pest problems.


It can be… Gonna try a couple of unconventional pesto ideas over the summer.

I don’t grow my own cilantro, just get it from Kroger, though I do have an indoor basil grow-op.

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I had one of the weirdest dishes today. Tried this new asian place that is apparently Hong Kong Cafe style, which is something i was unfamiliar with.

The dish was baked pork chop over spaghetti (that was cooked separately with no sauce or seasoning), extremely ketchup-heavy sauce, corn, just plain old frozen corn and lots of melted cheese.

It tasted better than it looked only dessert level sweet.

Can’t imagine how that is a real local dish. It looked like what a stoned 10 year old would come up with.

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