Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

This makes sense considering that milk and cream taste sweet and yogurt and sour cream taste sour.

Follow up question: should I add the cream at all? The sauce seems pretty good without it already.

It’s probably unnecessary if you think it tastes good as is, but you can also take out a half cup or so, stir in a portion of cream, and see what you think.

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No kink shaming!


i make ragu variants pretty regularly and never use cream

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I like to mount a little heavy cream in at the very end and still allow it time to reduce and thicken.

The way I learned was to reduce heavy cream with parmesan rinds and/or prosciutto trim, then add a little of that reduction into the bolognese at the very end. Simple but worth it.

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I think I’ll try this another but for this time just gonna leave out the cream altogether.

This post is worthless without a recipe!

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That is so cool!

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The PacNW really is just an amazing place to live.

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I know a lot of people here love the site. How do you feel about the Serious Eats redesign?

I just opened it for the first time. It always takes me a second to get used to new UI’s, so this is a biased answer, but bleh.

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i enjoy the pictures of jewish people at the bottom.

Seems fine to me, the information seems more or less the same.

What that website really needs is a filter so you can select to see Kenji’s information only. I don’t know who all the other clowns are that they use as contributors but all the bad advice on the website is from everyone else.

I think the design is kinda clunky but whatever. It probably works well on a phone.

Hopefully they finally figured out how to do SEO, because that’s something they’ve always been absolutely terrible at.

It’s much too segmented now. Like, I used to be able to click on Asian recipes and see a big ass list of pan-Asian recipes to see if one strikes my fancy. Now I only see four for each subcategory, and I have to choose a country to get more. I mean, sure, sometimes I want something specifically Japanese, but I also like having the option to not be so specific.

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Tried tajin on watermelon. Didn’t hate it, but was not impressed.

I always hate redesigns, then I get used to them, then I hate the reredesign, then I get used to it. Eventually I’ll start yelling at clouds about them, feeling 47% cloud yelly about this one.


I mean, it’s not wood paneling.