Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

I just made Stella Parks’ brownie recipe. Very exciting to have brownies from scratch! 2 kinds of chocolate! 3 sticks of butter! 6 eggs! 500 grams of sugar (holy crap)!

I think I prefer Ghirardelli’s box mix


I’ll take one of the middle pieces plz. Feel like I cheated on my diet just looking at that pic.




Having now had a second brownie (lol I’m gonna get fat), I retract my previous spoiler. I’m used to brownies being a one note chocolate punch, but there’s a lot more going on in these. Definitely better than a box mix, but less in-your-face BROWNIE than Ghirardelli’s

Despite my joke I would house a bunch of those easily, look great. Box brownies are weird in that they usually look good but then they manage to lack the chocolatey thickness that makes actual brownies so good.

I didn’t realize there were people who would choose a middle brownie over a corner. Do you cut the crusts off your sandwiches too?

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I support diversity in brownie preference.

Imagine arguing about which piece of a brownie you are getting.


If you ever want a change of pace to your brownies, make them with jalapenos.

Soft and squishy for life, gtfo with those crunchy corners. Soft cookies are superior to crunchy cookies as well, so I’m not sure why this is such a contrary take, but I do recognize that many silly geese love crunchin’ them brownies.


Crunchy cookies are the worst. “Yes, I would like some dessert, but could you give it the texture of dry dog food?” Buncha weirdos.

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But dipped in milk or tea though. So good.

All cookies matter.


I’m defintely choosing a middle piece and no I don’t cut crust off of bread. I don’t like hard, crusty bread though. Also prefer super soft almost rawish cookies to hard, crispy cookies.

Watching the British Bake Show and Paul is obsessed with baking hard cookies, if I was ever a competitor on that show I’d be insta booted for serving him stuff that doesn’t break your teeth

Hard cookies are bad, but the edges of the cookie should definitely have some bite and chewiness to it that the center doesn’t have.


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Gambas al Ajillo

Highly recommend.


Middle4Lyfe here.

When I first learned that people liked the edge pieces more, I thought it was a joke.

Having considered it more, I think that a large factor in preference is baking technique. I’ll bet that one could bake a pan of brownies in such a way that edges are better or middles are better if one were really focused on that goal for some reason.

I don’t know about prefer, but I like them a lot, but I think that it’s because my box brownies are always fresh out of the oven. Never had non-box at home because wife is the baker and she says it’s not worth the effort (she does bake plenty of other desserts from scratch). Maybe I’ll have to get arsed up to do it myself. For science, of course.

At the grocery store today, I spied some fresh morels, a nice surprise! So, I figured we’d make mushroom risotto to go with the halibut I’d also found.

There weren’t a ton of morels, so we also used fresh crimini and shiitake, and dried procini and chanterelle mushrooms. Halibut is salt and pepper with a buerre blanc sauce, and steamed asparagus with cabernet sauvignon balsamic vinegar.


Disgracefully cutting corners again, I see.