Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Shelf stable too!

5.625 lbs / 8-10 months / family = you should be eating a lot more cheese

Yeah, can confirm. I have had several of these and its damn good cheddar.

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I should have posted here but I recently opened the first Cougar Gold I bought that I had been storing in the refrigerator for 2-3+ years. It was definitely a sharper(?) taste than the fresh ones.

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You guys are pretty clever, but you’re not going to trick me into entering “cougar gold” into my search history.


Yeah, it’s pretty big, maybe a little over six inches in diameter. One of the widest cans I have ever seen.


that’s what the cougar said!


Between the “cougar”, “over six inches in diameter”, and “one of the widest cans I have ever seen”, I’m sure there is good joke waiting to be made. Whatever it is, I’m afraid I can’t do it justice.

EDIT: and neither can my pony


Day 7 Taste Test: Fermentation is definitely full steam ahead. Peppers are developing a nice sour flavor but they aren’t to that sauerkraut level yet which is the goal. I’ll give it another couple days.


The NYT had Kenji’s scrambled eggs recipe on their Ig story this morning presented by the man himself. It was probably more trouble that it’s worth, but it was fun to try something new. And JFC that was a lot of butter.

Yeah eggs and butter are a perfect match. Good scrambled eggs should have a lot of butter unless you’re on a diet.

I alternate between a tofu scramble and scrambled eggs, but I really don’t need more than 1/2 tbsp for 3 eggs.

I probably put about 1 tablespoon in 3 eggs.

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I’ve mentioned this hot take before but the difference between a decent omelette/scrambled and the fancy ones is way too small for me to be worth the attention they get.

Not sure why those get so much focus while people routinely cut corners and substitute in things i personally feel are much bigger different makers.

I use the technique from the Food Lab for my scrambled eggs and it makes them so much better than I was getting before. Namely, salt and let sit for 15 minutes before cooking, then stir continuously in the pan.


I’ve settled on a method I saw in a Gordon Ramsay video. Low heat. Butter. Eggs. Stir continuously and alternate between heat and no heat to desired consistency. Adding salt before cooking breaks down the eggs. I do this for omelettes.


Little Cajun and cornbread tonight.


Never cook your scrambled eggs above 1/4 heat and they will improve 5 fold.

This! KISS!
Big knob butter, low heat, keep moving, serve early cos it’ll keep cooking while you serve.

No need for weird slurries from internet chefs hoping for a click-fest.

Another egg trick is if you are adding something like shredded cheese, add it at the very end and let residual heat melt it. It leaves a texture and flavour difference.