Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

i got a bag of almond flour i need to use. never used almond flour for anything. suggestions?

Only know one thing that really calls for almond flour.

i def don’t have the cooking skills to make macarons (not a big fan of them anyway).

Yeah, tried once. They’re a pain even if you get them to work.

I really like this cake.

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My GF makes something like this every month or so using our Almond flour with extra fruits and berries that we have lying around. We added ginger to the last batch and it was excellent.

Mod: link removed due to malware concerns.


I’ve seen a million food shows where they bust out the fancy macarons and am like omg those look amazing and finally ate one and was like wtf this is perhaps the food item with the biggest delta between looks good and tastes good. Probably just me tho.

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my computer really doesn’t like that link.

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I’ve had some well-made ones, and they’re pretty darn good cookies imo, but they still aren’t much more than good cookies. There can be some big disparities in quality, though, and big disparities between flavors of the same quality.

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I just googled a relevant link, I don’t think there’s anything special about that particular recipe. My GF just kind of wings it when she cooks.

it just triggers some malware alarm shit not idea why.

I get the same thing just opening this thread now.

yeah. @MysteryConman can you edit out the link please? sorry for the trouble but it keeps popping up whenever i’m in the thread.

Sorry about that. @MrWookie removed the link. Thx.

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What do you use regular flour for? I think it’s meant to be more of a substitute for wheat flour for dietary reasons (but there are some applications where it may not work) rather than as a specialty ingredient intended for certain uses.

Because it has no gluten I find it works well in stuff where you don’t want alot of gluten activation (batter for frying, pancakes) but doesn’t work well when you want gluten activation (bread, pizza dough).

Never tried to make the fancy macarons because that’s beyond my skill level, but I used to make a fake version that I thought tasted fine.

I’d make a sheet of soft meringue and use a cookie cutter to cut out round pieces. I’d use those as the sandwich and a fake buttercream of just butter and sugar as the filling to make a cookie sandwich, then I would coat it with crumbs made by toasting the leftover pieces of meringue that I had cut the cookies out of.

Almond crossaints are lovely used to buy them from French bakery don’t know how difficult they are to make though

The almond croissants I know are mostly wheat flour based, with an almond topping and or filling.

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Yeah I think you’d get a pretty bad texture trying to make a croissant with a gluten free dough. I dont think it would even be recognizable as a croissant, it would be more like a rolled up dense cookie.