Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Kraft dinner and ketchup?

Are you Canadian?

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Yup. Nova Scotia born. Married nice Ontario girl.

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I’ve always enjoyed ketchup on Mac n cheese, is that a Canadian thing?

Did you invite Gavin Newsome over for dinner?


Not my governor anymore!

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A+++ thread would read again


Spicy Thai Red Curry (vegan) and Non-Alch IPA. Didn’t realize I forgot to cook and add tofu until I was finished.


“my wife is not happy” lel
"Wife is increasingly displeased and reports the hotdog smell is “overwhelming” lol A+

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Spinach, kale and ricotta pizza and a salad I prep once a week (spring mix, TJ’s cruciferous crunch, shrooms, olives, red onion, feta). Ovo-Lacto 4 lyfe.


this guy is aweome, thanks for posting

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Made my own vodka sauce for the first time. Delicious from Serious Eats.

Lunch today was avocado toast aka down payment.


We just made the Serious Eats vodka sauce last night! Ours turned out good but not great. We got the timing wrong and cooked it too long after adding vodka I think.

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Hmm, must be. My wife and I both thought it was the best sauce we’ve had. I would definitely try again!

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Yeah we’re going to make it again I think we just missed the timing but otherwise it was perfect.

Made some parisian gnocchi the other day. You make a pate a choux dough, pipe and slice the dough into simmering water and then take them out and pan fry to crisp them up. They’re really tasty and go with sauce or are fine on their own with some cheese. Somehow I didn’t take a final pic of them but they look like crispy gnocchi pillows. All I have is a dough pic before I starting the cook, I’m not sure if it should look like that but the finished product tasted good


Uh, I hate to ask a dumb newb question here but is there a way to keep store bought corn tortillas from crumbling? Mom used to make them when we were kids. I don’t recall them losing molecular cohesion quite so easily.

Heat them before folding. I usually just warm them in a cast iron pan immediately before serving and they’re fine.

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Yep. Or we usually toast them directly over a burner.


I had some leftover chimichurri which I needed to use up or throw out. I poured it into a small skillet and used it to poach some eggs. Worked out fine.

Vegan Roasted Kale Pesto Pasta w/ Tofurkey Italian Sausage.

This chef has some really simple recipes for anyone looking to try some vegan dishes. I’ve liked all her recipes I’ve tried thus far.