Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

It was a great show, but this guy shows some promise:

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Wookie brings it.

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We’ve had the rib roast for the last few Christmases. Will never do anything else. So good. Merry Christmas everyone.


Vegetarian dinner was a success.

Serious Eats Butternut Squash Soup recipe was delicious. Such a great texture and flavor and just not that difficult.

Twice baked potatoes turned out pretty good. I only put cheese and green onions in there (was going to do bacon for mine but got drunk and lazy) so it could have used a little more salt and texture.

Mushroom Risotto in the instant pot honestly turned out great. It took 6 minutes once getting up to pressure and the texture was pretty similar to good risotto. Definitely an upgrade for weeknight meals if you want risotto and don’t want to stir for 45 minutes.

Part of being drunk lazy and hungry means you don’t bother with attractive plating.


Glad the risotto turned out good.

Did you use any of the truffle stuff? I’ve found that parmesan somehow cancels out the truffle flavor.

No truffles, just mushrooms, onions, and garlic.

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The key to parenting young children is to master the art of distraction.

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This, and also, a lot of the Wellington prep was done during nap time. But finding little ways in which the girls can “help,” even if they’re technically slowing down the process, works well. Getting them to transfer the chopped vegetables to the bowl, e.g., makes them feel like they’re contributing while also not slowing down the process too much like they would be if they demanded we play with them or something. Last night they helped MrsWookie cut some of the puff pastry pattern.


This works on spouses too.


Happy birthday to me.

To my girls, this was a meal of caprese salad, with a side of rib eye cap pinwheel that they had to suffer through to earn more caprese.

Wine was 2016 Envy Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley. Superb.


I often request my family chocolate pie for my birthday, but I felt like a change of pace this year. I asked for cheesecake but let MrsWookie choose the kind. She surprised me with a blood orange cheesecake. I love blood oranges. When I was growing up in Washington, I had heard of blood oranges, but they were always something exotic and unobtainable. When I moved to California, they were there all winter at the farmer’s markets, and I always had to do an evaluation when they had slices out to try. Pretty decent chance I’d go home with some on a good week.


My kid is raised by PJ Masks and Blippi. I hope he doesn’t kill you all. Otoh we made stuffed peppers today so it’s worth it.

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Happy New Year, everyone.


Ya ya happy new year


My attempt at replicating my favorite dish from The French Laundry.


This was delicious and not too far from the original but also not quite right. They sorta foamed their cauliflower veloute, and I did not. The blood orange marmalade was a pretty good stand in for the preserved lemon, but the sourdough croutons were pretty distinct from brioche ones. The biggest difference is that reheating king crab from Costco just isn’t the same as whatever technique they used to cook it fresh.

Sounds like you did a disgraceful job.



I may follow @MrWookie’s lead here and try to replicate the fancy Kraft Dinner my mom used to make with both boiled hot dogs and ketchup. French Laundry can’t compete with mommy.


Lol ikr? Dayum. Happy birthday Wooks and happy new years all.