Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

traditional jewish food = traditional ashkenazi jewish food.
most of the sepharadic traditional food is ridiculously good.

“jewish delis” are not a thing that exists in Israel.

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For me, what made gefilte fish unappetizing was the geletan it came encased in, and the whole eating it cold.

I’d rather have chopped herring in wine sauce or some whitefish salad.

Man I love me some meat jello. Nice slice of tongue in some gelatinous goo on some dark bread yum.


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kero: Don’t let your GPS send you on 405, ever.

Nobody: Which one?

MrWookie: All of them.

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About halfway through Serious Eats turkey paitan ramen


Those are really clean grill grates. How do you do it?

Going to have to put this in spoilers because it’s top secret and a proprietary method.

Have your apartment to buy a brand new grill and be the first one to use it.


Hmmm something may be up with the image upload. My pic of the finished product is smaller than that of the work in progress above and at 3.77 MB, under 4096 KB, but it’s being rejected for being too large. I thought it would be resized anyway? @admins

Any chance it’s > 40 megapixels? That’s the only other upload limit (and can be changed).

It’s from the same phone that took the pic above that just worked, so I don’t think so.

Hmm, I guess it works if I go from Google Photos on my desktop rather than from my phone.


Looks great. I’d prefer a bit more broth myself, though. Maybe it’s just the shape of the bowl.

You are correct. MrsWookie ladled the broth, and I went back for more after the pic.

I think oreo’s answer is the correct one. All of the image resizing stuff has been a hot mess for many months.


Taco lunch! This braised pork turned out really good but not quite spicy enough.


I made the Kenji roasted potatoes recipe for Thanksgiving that has been in this thread a bunch - thank you, they turned out really great.

EXCEPT - when I took the potatoes out of the oven and tossed it with the reserved garlic/rosemary, the garlic/rosemary didn’t stick to the potatoes at all. They dried out over the 45 minutes or so they sat, and the potatoes were crispy on the outside as well and not sticky - I scooped garlic/rosemary out and sprinkled on, but those fell off as well. This is a dumb question, but should I have mixed in a bit more olive oil to the garlic/rosemary just before tossing? Or have you had no need of doing that when making the recipe - maybe I just overcooked the potatoes. Thanks.

I don’t recall having a sticking problem when I made them, but that’s the best thing I could think of doing for that.

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Idk but I assume they were too dry at the time, maybe not enough oil?

Tried a new trick with roasted potatoes this time - freeze them in between boiling and roasting. Worth it if you have the time, draws out maximum moisture I think us the theory.

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