Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

I don’t think there’s anyone on the “want Wookie removed” list who have ever said anything anti-rotation. There’s probably at least one person who is close to indifferent based on what they’ve said, but they have not argued about it itt - though they have voted. I don’t think there’s anyone on this list who has argued for mod rotation that doesn’t want mod rotation irrespective of their feelings about Wookie - or at least prefer rotation over election and re-election. So, literally no bad faith votes or lobbying imo.

The only vote I know of that was made for reasons other than how they feel about rotation is whosnext.


I think this is quite likely, because I think two months really isn’t long enough. I don’t honestly see how anyone can reasonably think that whatever minority of posters feel ill-treated by a particular mod will be re-assured by that mod being excluded from the role for two months out of the year.


His screen name is literally based on that Goebbels. Did you miss that post?


No, I didn’t.

Then what’s your objection? He’s not being mischaracterized

Eta: I was wrong, it’s based on a comedian of the same name. Hilarious! But I do retract my last post

Seems pretty unlikely to me that the captains are going to stop and be satisfied by having Wookie as a normal poster as opposed to trying to run him off the site.

Putting the others aside for a moment, that’s some pretty impressive gaslighting given the pm thread where that user bragged about trolling Wookie.

Question: have you ever done the trolling?

So we’re back to the “pretending to be ghandi” routine that you bragged about using in the pm thread?

:man_shrugging: I don’t know what I can explain better. Consensus is the property of not having people running around super mad all the time about the actions the group takes. A community judgment is a hypothetical belief or preference held by the community as a whole that’s detected by voting or some other means.

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We’re still stuck on figuring out a definition for what ‘personal attack’ even means, remember? You ignored that point and locked the thread? Because you don’t have any respect for your peers.

But as for that, his name literally is short for Goebbels, from the horse’s mouth. And he supports Forum Fascism, again from the horse’s mouth.

There was a whole through-line with Victor saying you were doing forum fascism. The joke wrote itself. When I mentioned the Grammar Nazis and the Soup Nazis did that not look like anything to you? All of this could’ve easily and quickly been hashed out in that thread. Are we going to pretend you did that, like, even offered this limited explanation (changing someone’s name to call them a Nazi!) in that thread? You didn’t, because you don’t have any respect for your peers.

This epitomizes it even more. You really don’t have any respect for me or my intelligence. Shit’s wild. We already went through this part:

It wasn’t a bad post, and I wasn’t talking about some nebulous and abstract platonic ideal of a post-that-needs-editing. I asked you specifically about that specific post.

There was one word, his name. You remove the three letters in between the B and the S and change it back. None of the other words were related. What you’re going with is, you’re that poorly equipped to make a judgment decision like that?

Letting a post get hidden, letting the flag system do what it does, is my argument, not yours. The only reason to not do that is to give a nice fuck you to me and all the other unrelated words I wrote in that long ass post.


I never claimed to be hurt by you or any of the others who have constantly mischaracterized what I say as “trolling” or “bad faith”. But this is the best you can come up with? A sly, self-deprecating joke that in no way concedes that I post in bad faith? Damn son, comb through more of my posts, I’m sure you can come up with something better! You got any more screen shots of the captains thread that you gleefully scoured through?

Nah, I genuinely thought you were intelligent enough to ascertain that your deliberate alteration of his name so as to belittle him would be obvious to you as a personal attack, meaning, an attack directed at a person, and that writing that out over and over would be perceived as patronizing.

No, I don’t want the expectation on mods, me or any other, to try to reword offending posts so as to make them acceptable rather than just hiding or deleting them. That burden is on the author of the posts.

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Sure. I’ve also eaten temp-bans for it and have not come back and asked for the moderator’s head on a pike. Have you ever done the trolling?

Edit: In before the throttle!

What are some examples of my “trolling” and “bad faith”?

Oh, you won’t specify? Shocking.

Would it be fair to dismiss everything a poster ever writes because he was caught trolling one time? Because that’s what you seem to want to do to fidget.

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I knew hiring you as our spokesman was a mistake.


Nope. However I did not do that. I just pointed out that:

  1. That poster is now engaged in the very same trolling behavior he bragged about previously. The exact same “ghandi act” (his words not mine); and
  2. Micro’s post stating that Fidget is not acting in “bad faith” in this given his, you know, confession to acting in bad faith, is pretty laughable.

I never made a post about fidget.
