Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

Don’t know why I care about this or imagine it will prevent accusations of “bad faith”, but my hands are like 95% thrown up in the air and I don’t expect them to come down.


What I don’t understand is why I am required to ignore reality here. There is a group of people yourself included who want Wookie de-moded. Is that not accurate? I mean my honest take is that your are entitled to your opinion on that. Am I supposed to pretend that isn’t the opinion you and jal and fidget and Keed and 6ix and whoever else I am forgetting have?

Meb was specifically talking about his disappointment with people linking this vote to that. My post was about that and the reasons for it.

Literally the only reason I am against wookie being mod is that he’s made it clear that he wants to always be the mod. I’d vote for literally anyone on the site who committed to a six month term followed by a six month break.

Was this you?

There is no actual coherent judgment of the community

The distinction between “community judgement” (which doesn’t exist?) and “community consensus” (which does?) isn’t clear to me, possibly I’m just dumb.

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I’m not naming specific posters because I think that would be needlessly inflammatory.

Also “you’re wrong” posts aren’t super useful if you don’t explain why.

I mean do you want this to pass? Posting snarky one liners and having half the yes voters change their avis to captains does not seem to be helping. I said it to you weeks ago via PM but this isn’t the way to change anyone’s mind about what is going on here. Maybe you don’t care and that is fine.

In this case I think it’s more inflammatory to not name names. Everyone assumes you’re talking about Keeed, 6ix, jal, fidget, Marty, and Sabo. You’re wrong because none of them have acted in bad faith. As with Keeed, the reason you know that they haven’t been happy with moderation is because they’ve been open about it. That’s not bad faith. No one knows who else you’re talking about, so it’s a vague accusation carelessly aimed towards dozens of people.


The Captains thing is stupid and it came from a very silly reference to some seemingly very bad sci-fi stuff that Sabo reads. Ok, the avis are childish, but why is the standard always perfection for the Captains here while a bunch of people have relentlessly mocked everyone who was in that PM thread? Maybe those relentless mockers shouldn’t be taken seriously.


As near as I can tell most of the anti-captains have mostly chilled the fuck out. There has been plenty of bad behavior to go around, my own included.

I’m just saying if people want it to die and work towards some kind of mutually beneficial reconciliation a few people have really strange ways of showing it.

I changed my avatar because people like you insisted on calling me a captain. Was that helpful?

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I mean I haven’t called you a captain in weeks and you changed it well after that. If my words have stayed in your head that long I apologize.

You and many others insisted on grouping us all together and misrepresenting what we wrote, often without actually having read it. Is reacting to that by changing my avatar worse than that? Maybe!


Yeah, you have, and that’s a credit. People get mad and say trollish things, myself included.

Honestly not sure about reconciliation. There are things that might go down as not forgivable (not from you) and there are things that might just be irreconcilable.


The dude banned me twice, once for a week, over what he said most nebulously were personal attacks. He deleted both of the posts that could’ve potentially shined some light. He refused to specify and locked the thread in which other’s were speculating.

Ok, I’m being coy, it’s way worse than that. I was accused of being the spawn of Satan by a poster, so I replied with a very lengthy post saying I was not, in fact, the spawn of Satan and explaining why. In this post I changed a different poster’s name to something, uh, funny. Instead of just deleting the one word, or, obviously, not deleting it at all (aside from the ban, which is why the flag system works) he instead deleted the entire post. I’d say it was half petty spite and half not wanting one of his critics to look like a thoughtful and reasonable person. I mean, sure, person A says some outlandish shit about person B, person B defends themselves… Unexploitable to just delete that defense!

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We’re still pretending that changing someone’s name to call him a Nazi isn’t an obvious personal attack? Oh, right, it’s fucking hilarious (to you)! So it’s actually KindTM!

Look, I’m not in the business of editing posts so as to make them acceptable only to get subsequently accused of making people say things they didn’t say. Almost every post that has crossed a line gets hidden or deleted in toto. Yours was not treated any different.

I disagree, and when keed tried to bait me into naming names yesterday the mod said “knock it off.” So I’m not going there.

As with Keeed, the reason you know that they haven’t been happy with moderation is because they’ve been open about it. That’s not bad faith.

Agreed. The bad faith part is them insisting their interest in mod rotation vote has nothing at all to do with them wanting to specifically kick out Wookie.

Why not just hold an honest referendum vote on Wookie? “He’s been a bad mod because of XYZ, here are various poor mod actions he’s done, also he’s been in office way too long.” and vote on that. That seems like a reasonable way to settle things.

But you’ll still drop shitty allusions to unnamed trolls and unspecified bad faith. No problem there.


Kink-shaming ITT, reported.

(jk, obv)

Ask them? They can do both if they want. They can try to do both anyway or vote to remove if this doesn’t pass. That doesn’t mean they don’t think mods should rotate regardless. It’s a reasonable position that a lot of people hold who are not on this short list of people who think Wookie has been bad. They can believe both things and have given no reason to believe they don’t as far as I’ve seen and I’ve seen pretty far.

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To be clear, I think there are indeed a lot of people who just want mod rotation because they think it’s a good idea and don’t care about the Wookie drama. You’ve certainly been talking about rotation long before the Captains shitstorm started and I don’t think you have any particular grievance with how he mods things.