Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

Ok, so, what events do you foresee happening that would precede such a thing?

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Kerowo is the only one who suggested banning mods. Being made a normal poster is not having one’s head chopped off.

But your “bad faith” accusation implies you think Keeed also doesn’t want mod rotation and you’re either wrong about that or doing bad faith yourself.



My bad faith accusation is that he is trying to say that all Wookie’s detractors want is a 2 month break in the post he made. That is demonstrably false both from him and most of the rest of the anti-Wookie crowd.

If he had said what you are saying that wanting Wookie to not be a mod anymore is “not asking for his head” that would be fine because that actually based in reality and not trying to distort what the actual argument is.

“Asshole” is just a riff on the saying that if you run into assholes all the time, it means you’re the asshole. What I really mean to say is that if a bunch of different mods consistently make calls you find abhorrent, it shows you that you’re the one whose standards are out of line with the rest of the community. What you do with that information is up to you, but certainly it shouldn’t be complaining about the particular mod that made the call.

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Right but what I want — a six month break — also isn’t fairly characterized as demanding wookies head. Nor would voting against him in his re-election if this fails.

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I don’t want there to be mods at all. Is it bad faith for me to vote for mod rotation? Does it matter that I clearly say, and have in the past, that it’s not my first choice?


“all” is doing a lot of work here
Yes, there are several individuals who would prefer Wookie cease to be mod indefinitely
Yes, those individuals would obviously also prefer that Wookie take a two month break, assuming the first desire remains unfulfilled. They might even prefer a longer-than-two-month break, but are willing to take what they can get.
There can also be a set of posters who don’t feel strongly that Wookie be unmodded forever but see mod rotations and forced breaks as a good thing!

I don’t understand how it’s bad faith for someone to hold the top two views, nor do I understand why going through a process like this one is somehow evidence of nefarious goals or that everyone in the third camp is somehow in both of the first two camps.


Oh good. 40 new posts in the last hour of an About Unstuck thread. You guys must be really working hard on some new ideas!


In my defense this is much better than that proposal I was working last night


We are, what the fuck are you doing? Complaining about a blue number that popped up next to the thread in your feed?


Of course not. The bad faith stems from misrepresenting his own position to try and attack the point I was making. That’s pretty much the definition isn’t it?

Like of course I was being hyperbolic with the “demanding his head” stuff. I don’t literally think people here want him beheaded. People here do want him stripped, permanently for most of them I assume, of his mod duties. And you know what that is a perfectly acceptable opinion to have.

It isn’t and I never said that? I said Keed acting like all HE wants is 2 months is bad faith. That’s it.

How did I misrepresent my position? You’re accusing me of lying. Back it up.

You want Wookie to be immediately demodded and are for 6 months breaks. Your post implies you and all the others who are anti-Wookie just want a 2 month break. That isn’t honest. It’s right there in your vote in that poll and the posts in this thread.

I never said this!

He’s posting his opinions very clearly and that’s what made it so easy for you to know about that six month vs two month thing. That’s you nitting it up and why? He’s been extremely above board in sharp contrast to all the people talking about minorities they refuse to name.


What does this mean then? You quote me talking about the mob and immediately say this. You are clearly implying the mob only wants 2 months.

I’m done with Keed ball for today.

I’m saying that’s what this thread is about and that’s the “demand” that is on the table. And what most of the people you’re talking about are voting for. Obviously that’s not my position, as I said it wasn’t acceptable to me and didn’t vote for it.

And you’re done accusing me of being a liar for the day? Great.


I don’t support Wookie or anyone else staying on as a permanent mod so we are on the same page there.

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