Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

You have transparently been one of the most bad faith shit-stirring posters over that time frame. You stepped in to stir shit yesterday, and your shit stirring post remains while responses were deleted, even after two mods agreed with me that your post was shit stirring.


Is it fair to characterize forcing a two month break after literally years of being moderator as demanding Wookiee’s head? Maybe!

Whereas the other side has been far more bloodthirsty in their demands for increased bannings. But that’s irrelevant, I’m sure.


That isn’t what you are asking for. Your repeated posts demanding longer breaks in this very thread are the most recent proof of it not to mention the rest of it.

This is a bad faith post and you know it.

That’s not at all what he’s talking about, but it seems like it’s your main point here. This time you’re obliquely accusing people you refuse to name and you’re still wrong about it.

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Is asking for a six month break fairly characterized as demanding Wookie’s head?

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So you guys don’t want Wookie demodded for his “unfair and biased” modding now? Ok good I guess everything is solved.

Like I agree with you that mods should take a break but acting like there isn’t and hasn’t been a group of people demonizing Wookie for literally months is just totally dishonest.

I think I criticized exactly two of wookie’s moderation decisions. Both of those decisions were overturned by an overwhelming vote against what he did.

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Ok good for you. Not every post is about you.

The post you made saying I was calling for wookies head was!


I think this is part of the point. There is no “you guys.”

Keeed is one of the most honest posters on this site. Period. He so honest that people find it impossible to believe. Keeed’s position here has been clear and consistent and neither his preferring a longer break in between or his thinking Wookie has not been great are at all at odds with that post. Whether it’s 6 months off modding or 2, neither are asking for his head.


Maybe, but as an example of a mod not being an “asshole” but rather just doing something strange, Rugby deleted a bunch of posts in this thread. Apparently, most were from Kerowo and he was also banned. It’s no secret that Kerowo and I are not fans of each other, so this isn’t a team bias. I just don’t want anybody’s posts getting deleted. It’s such a weird and Orwellian concept, assuming he didn’t post horse pr0n and say ■■■■■■■■■■ a bunch of times.

Point being, every mod could potentially fall into patterns of behavior that they think are expected of them. This could be being an “asshole” or it could be any number of impersonal yet strange things.


I love how “perma-mod” is unacceptable hyperbole, but “demonizing” is just the straight facts, jack. I mean is it demonizing if he has been biased and inconsistent? I thought we were asked not to make this about wookie? Do we want to litigate that in this thread? Or is it only one side that gets to make accusations and litigate shit in this thread?


Some people believe that a problem with 2p2 was that Mason/Mat made it harder to ban bad posters and believe that this place should be free of those shackles because the primary goal of moderation is to prevent bad posting. They see forum drama as bad posting and think banhammers are the appropriate tool for dealing with that mess. Their calls for bans will be directly proportional to how much forum drama is going on.

He wasn’t exactly what I was referring to in my original post anyways but interjected to say that 2 months was “asking for Wookie’s head”. Obviously there are posters, including Keed, asking for more than that. Strangely Keed who “isn’t asking for Wookie’s head” voted to immediately de-mod him in the poll 6ix posted earlier. I’d say that is asking for his head.

So yes he is being dishonest. You are playing team sports. This is boring.

Is someone stopping you? I mean yes it is a fact to say there is a subset of posters here who have made it their life’s work to point out every flaw or mistake Wookie has made in their perception. Call it what you want.

I was thinking that nobody would silly enough to mention any language being hyperbolic because that’s always been a two-way street, but um. Remember, your guy is the “intolerable… community dying” guy.


Look, you are badly misunderstanding the argument I’m making, and the fact that you are fabricating quotes to explain why makes me think it’s not because I presented it unclearly. To clarify:

  • I said that voting is a valuable tool, not that it’s a hollow, oracular illusion.
  • I see an important distinction between the idea of consensus (everyone or almost everyone in the group is at least grudgingly fine with a decision) and the idea that the community can make judgments in the same way as a person does.
  • I think that consensus is real and important. I think the notion of the community making judgments is a limited metaphor at best and frequently an actively harmful illusion.
  • Given the limitations of voting, I think it’s worth considering other mechanisms like rotation to help promote consensus around moderation.

I never would have started that poll or phrased it like that. It was a bad poll and I voted as close to the outcome I wanted as was possible.

You were literally the first vote but carry on. I’ve had my fill for today.