RFC: Removal/Ban of gimmick accounts used to circumvent bans (UPDATED OP!!!)

I am asking this sincerely but haven’t these types of bans been lumped in when some are talking about mod overreach? I assumed this RFC was to try and come up with a rule so this wouldn’t just be another mod action people could complain about.

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If no one objects to these bans, why not have a rule mods can point to? Less importantly, it’s possible some offenders didn’t even know it wasn’t allowed, and this could help with that.

ETA: I’m not gonna delete my post, but I realize now I probably misunderstood your post. This is another reason why I think these should be two separate discussions.

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The only problem with letting self-banned use gimmicks is that it leads to more work when those gimmicks get reported by community members for by-passing bans.

Yes. People have objected to banning new accounts that were created to circumvent bans. IRRC someone complained when the mods banned one of Victor’s alts that he used to post while banned. I believe they cited the informal practice of allowing people to circumvent bans. So yes, in my opinion we need a rule on this, because when there is no rule and a mod exercises their discretion, someone will find a way to complain about it.

As someone else pointed out earlier, it’s not just the moderator’s time. Using a second account also circumvents other people’s ignore list.

Maybe we’re not as far apart as I thought, and that includes 6. He made a post yesterday about how modding can be as simple as,

“hey you’re banned.”


“bc fuck you, that’s why.”

I’m all for moderation like that. Basically you guys are saying the existing mods should just say “fuck you” to the non-stop whiners and move on? I’m down with that.

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It’s one of the annoying (is there any other kind) 22 carry-overs … “I’ve got an exam in 2 days please temp-ban me as I have zero self-control”. They shouldn’t even be a thing.

Self-bans been a tradition since forever, I don’t see how they annoy anyone.

If someone self-bans and then comes back, I think you have to treat it like Odysseus asking his bros to tie him to the mast and not let him loose.

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Honestly the shaming of people asking to self ban is one of the more bizarre things to witness from a forum of progressives.


Is this thread still throttled? Why?

Does the throttling process increase the window for Comments being Requested? Because honestly you can only put like two or maybe three Comments per day in a thread throttled as such. Like in an unthrottled thread where Comments are being Requested you can put in five, six, seven comments in a day or more. Here the Comments are quite limited.

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Not when you have limited resources.

People are not being helped with compulsory issues by being coddled.

So the alt should have been banned then?

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If self-ban requests are soaking up a significant amount of the mods’ time, then maybe they shouldn’t be allowed. But is that the case?

Holy shit

Holy shit it got even worse.

Is that really what you think granting someone a self ban is doing?

The title of this thread pertains to circumventing self bans; not sure why anyone is assuming otherwise when someone comments.

I obviously chose masochism over stoicism by even commenting. For the nth time; there is nothing wrong with self bans.

If you request a self ban you should serve the ban. Full stop.

Gimmick accounts used to circumvent an actual ban should be permabanned (the gimmick, not the users actual account). A gimmick may be used only to PM a mod to discuss the reason for their ban.

If a gimmick account is used to circumvent a self ban, then the posters self banned account should just be unbanned at that point.

Seems like a relatively straightforward way to handle all of this moving forward. Anyone opposed?


I agree with all this. Sorry, I didn’t mean to be snitty.

My preference would be to ban the gimmick and keep the self-ban in place, but it’s a judgement call imo. It’s not really fair to force the mods to make this decision.

I don’t understand why anyone would get worked up over circumventing a self ban. Why does anyone have to do anything? It’s a total nonissue.


What if using a gimmick to circumvent a self-ban is allowed but means the user isn’t allowed to ask for another self-ban for a year?

Obviously this. Who cares about self bans. The only time I can imagine this being an issue is if they did it habitually causing the mods lots of work.

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