Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

We were doing so good!


I don’t think this should be controversial, but I plan to lock this thread once the polls close, which is about 34 hours from now.


I don’t think that’s right.
Have you heard of a site called 2+2?

There’s too much for one post;

The word was typed precisely once. How did that become “over and over” in your mind? Not just more than once, but over and over, incessantly, like, damn, the dude just won’t stop.


Why is this bad?


C’mon dude. You were clearly guilty of NAKED REPETITION.

NAKED bans here are always at least one week.

My goodness, I guess I should be demodded for hyperbole

For NAKED bias against certain posters, yes.

It’s either that or gross incompetence. Take your pick.


For results-oriented thinkers, this is effectively a vote on whether Wookie needs to step down for a time as mod. Results-oriented thinkers often try to disguise that they are being results-oriented.

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Assuming your passive-aggression was aimed at me - I’ve always been clear that a) I think wookie isn’t up to the task of fairly modding a site of owners and b) mod rotation >>>>>>>> perma mods

I don’t really think anyone looks great here.

Hyperbole is exaggeration of a true statement, eg “We have enough beer to float the Navy” = “We have more than enough beer”. With respect to numerical quantity, it can be deployed for multiples, eg “You’ve done that thousands of times!” = “You’ve done that a large number of times”.

I really don’t think describing a single action as having been done ‘over and over’ can be classed as hyperbole, particularly since a key feature of hyperbole is that it’s not intended literally, yet you hung the severity of the alleged patronising nature of the post on the apparently literal excessive repetition. I can charitably say you misremembered, best I can do.


We’re up to at least three. The original mod log, 6 playing dumb and demanding I explain myself (despite knowing full well what was the attack and that he intended it as such) the first time, and here. I think there might be one or two more iterations between the second and here.

So now you were being accurate, rather than hyperbolic?

When we were at 2, it would be debatable.

That’s very weird where you enter Empireman’s post into the record and then refer to it like it was fact or something Keeed said about himself.

But, whatever, and Keed’s feelings don’t seem to get hurt often. It’s a combo of thick skin and having little respect for the people who call him a troll.

Eta: I get it. I used to think he was trolling myself. Then I started paying more attention to him and how often the people who just take driveby shots and dogpile are wrong.


So we moved from 2 to 3 at some point between now and 38 minutes ago.

Yes. Have you been reading the thread?

It’s so weird like 2 years ago here Keed more than often seemed to take the devils advocate line here, most people here would disagree with him, reply keeeeed or just “lol.” I took his side more often than not in these spots, but there are multiple posters here where their previous history/body of work has completely flipped because some people need a narrative.

Thread search shows two uses of ‘Goebbels’ ITT (this will be a third). ‘Goebbels’ is not an alteration of the screenname of the poster Goebs80.