Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

Uh, what? It most obviously is, and it was done specifically to call the poster in question a Nazi.

Lol, yes. Feel free to link to a post I made on 2+2 calling for a moderator to be de-modded because they temp-banned me. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Wait lol what is the thing we’re talking about being done over and over? Me changing his name or you explaining what, why, and how it was a personal attack?

No, Goebbels is the Nazi. Goebs80 is the poster. The alteration Goeb***s80 (redacted to spare the mortal suffering of Goebs80) was used and deemed unconscionable. Uses of ‘Goebbels’ can’t add to the count.

You seemed to place some significance to my reply, otherwise you wouldn’t have mentioned it. Then you straight up accused me of trolling and bad faith while refusing to back up your slander.

I think there’s some confusion about what was being referred to with “over and over”. Perhaps we could get some clarification.

Right, care to back up what you’re saying? No? What a shock!

The person on the receiving end did not appreciate it. Aren’t we supposed to be respectful here, or are we adopting a “she was wearing a short skirt” attitude towards insults?

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What behavior? What are you talking about? Oh, you won’t say. You’re a liar and a coward and you’re slandering me.


We aren’t debating the proscription on “Goeb***s80”. We’re trying to pin down how many times it was used and, possibly, whether or not saying eg “It was based on an SNL skit character whose name was Diane Goebbels” is re-opening the vicious wound inflicted by it.

It’s not shocking that you would make this accusation. You’ve done it constantly for years, and I’ve ignored it mostly. But it’s baseless and it’s done just because you want to dismiss me and what I say without actually engaging with it. It’s a tactic of control and silencing opinions and people you don’t like. But it is baseless and harmful and despicable. And again, not surprising that you’d do that in the least.


There’s nothing he could quote that you could not deny was trolling and claim was wholly genuine, but you still expect him to play along with this entirely pointless exercise.

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No one made him claim that I’m at troll posting in bad faith. Yes, I expect him or anyone else to back up that accusation if they make it. If someone called you a liar and a troll and posting in bad faith would you expect them to back it up? You would!

He already has. And you’ve denied it. How could anyone see this coming?

What the fuck are you talking about? He never said what I was trolling about or posted any examples of bad faith, or explained what he meant.

Fine except I’m mad about being slandered by liars.

Can we stop with this now? At least I admit when I’m trolling.

If that’s the best you can come up with you probably should stop.


It’s not the best I can come up with, it’s the quickest I could come up with, to put an end to this dumb argument.

OK. goof baller didn’t say I did the trolling once. He said I am a troll and was posting in bad faith. Just generally. Didn’t post a thing in support of it. Won’t post a thing in support of it. Repeatedly asks me “if I’m OK” when he’s consciously insulted and provoked me. Just, throws that out there to get a reaction and be a jerk. Mission accomplished I suppose. Having a snarky avatar doesn’t make one a troll. You’re not a troll because you have a war criminal avatar. I’m not a troll because I have a captain avatar.