Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

Go on. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

I need a new log of Skoal.


lol potato flair Goat


Like, is saying “are you OK” something you’re saying I say often to other posters? I don’t think it is, and if I’ve said it I shouldn’t have. It’s shitty, which is obviously what you were going for. Again, congratulations, you provoked a response, mission accomplished. But beyond that, what the hell are you talking about? I’m missing the meta message you’re trying to send here.

Did u know lions can survive by drinking stomach acid?

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my kittay drinks plenty. vet told me sometimes cats won’t, and it leads to health issues later in life. 98 in KC today, and he’s out in it exploring frontiers


While we wait:

So, a “personal attack” is another reiteration of the “attack the argument, not the arguer” rule, that 1, already exists, and 2, was long since decided to be ridiculous for a politics forum?

The reason I ask is because one of the current mods (Nono) disagrees along with me. We think/thought it meant to bring up personal details about one’s life to make an insult.

Maybe we’re wrong but you see the confusion? He’s a little forum fascist and seems quite proud of it, and was posting a fair bit of propaganda in support of forum fascism. And I disagree with his argument. And him. As a person who supports forum fascism.

With all the talk of bad-faith, you’re really going to sit up here and tell me you thought I was saying he was a bona-fide tiki-torch swastika-tattoo neo-nazi? Just, randomly out of the blue, in a unrelated conversation?

Man why are you repeating the part about hiding posts when I just told you that it’s my argument?

My entire point is that you deleted it rather than just let it get flagged and hidden, for a word that nobody found objectionable:

Lol doesn’t it even auto-hide, and you had to click more buttons to actually delete the entire post?


Based on searching Unstuck, Keeed has 5 posts containing “you ok”, one of those is the post ITT and one is him quoting marty. So the other 3 instances of it being posted, in chronological order:

In response to now deleted posts calling him an “annoying piece of shit”, a “stupid bitch”, a “fuck face”, and an “asshole”.

In response to Sabo being confused by some posts

In response to someone’s post claiming to have found “damning evidence” of keeed being a pedophile/child rapist.

Keeed can be a contrarian but his ability to remain mostly calm and neutral in the face of posts like that is impressive and commendable, IMO.



Dude ignored a simple and straightforward question in favor of abusing Ked some more. That’s wild.

Since I’m the one who said that posts automatically get hidden by flagging I feel like I should step in here for a brief correction that while that is a setting with Discourse and can happen, in 99% of cases on Unstuck flagged posts are manually handled by the mods and deleting the post is one of the options that comes up along with hiding it and takes the same amount of effort to accomplish.


Ive just caught up with the last 7 hours of posts after waking up. Australia time ftw.

You can see a steady escelation in temperature. At so many opportunities you all faced a choice between ramping it up a little and ramping it down…

Any folks who say they want the community to recover should do better.


Interesting. The “Yes” side currently winning by 1 vote, and a user named @read who joined on July 18th has voted on that side… Interesting…. Welcome to the forums @read!!! Glad you’ve taken such an interest in forum rules so early on! I should let me buddy @jman220reading know that he should log in and vote too.

July 18th, July 18th… I wonder what was going on around then. Hmm…

Edit: @realDonaldTrump should vote too!

Fwiw, I just want him to be better, stop shitposting and pretending like he owns Unstuck, but that ship has probably sailed.

Just look at the conversation that transpired between between me and him here. This performance is a hundred times (no, a thousand… no, a zillion) more ridiculous bad-faith yada yada than what Keed is accused of.

And it’s the reason,

this happens. What kind of environment has been fostered here that God’s Perfect Shitposter is in here running his mouth like this?

So ban Trolly for a week, chill him out a bit.

Thanks for braving the search function on this and I think the dates on those posts tell the whole story and that I shouldn’t have reasonably recognized goofy throwing my own words back in my face. But I’ll stand by saying I shouldn’t have said any of that to any of those people, no matter what the provocation was.

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Why can’t both things be personal attacks? And no, I don’t think that the former rule is ridiculous for a politics forum. I stopped enforcing it back on 22, yes, and I think things bore out that it was a decision for the worse.

It takes me the same number of buttons to hide or delete. I’ve taken to deleting posts more since I learned that anyone can read a hidden post despite being hidden.

It’s also quite obviously false that no one found your post objectionable. It drew multiple flags, and from people outside of The Feud.

Pretty sure he throttles and locks those threads. It’s a genius system, really.

My evil genius is limited only by your imagination. Good thing we never had such a thread to see how I’d handle it. The evil would be off the charts!

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Okay. I cant go back and moderate the last 7 hours. That ship has sailed.

But consider this the daily “knock it off” message.

Things that will get moderated.

Unconstructive complaining about old grievances (i.e. you can constructively talk about the past to make a case for future action)

Accusations that others are trolling or acting in bad faith.

Short, low content posts clearly designed to inflame rather than help.

And yes. Theres a judgement call required for all of those, im comfortable with that.



Does each user get a vote or each user persona? Was this contemplated? Do I need to do my own research? Who am I and why am I here?