Climate Change and the Environment

I get it, but people are supposed to get educations and plan for their retirement. When institutions fail to take necessary collective action, its kind of stupid to angrily gesture at individuals and scream WHY AREN’T YOU MAKING MORE FUTULE INDIVIDUAL SACRIFICES!

No talk of the derecho in here I see, but I went up North from where I live in Toronto with the wife and dog about 3 hours to a friend’s/ the dog breeder’s cabin South of Limerick (between Peterborough and Ottawa). We were there for about 2.5 hours in the humid weather when friends started calling us and warning us of a storm. We didn’t get any alerts from our phones, anyway someone checked the doppler and the worst was headed right for us, still we had no idea how had it would be. Probably 10-20% of trees in the forest were knocked down with some pathways that # being 100%, one path went right next to the cabin (like 20 metres away).

They had cleared the most dangerous trees that they thought were threats from nearby and left the healthy ones, but everything was getting knocked over. Giant poplars and red pines being snapped in half or uprooted. A branch came through the roof ( luckily above the sink), a large tree went sideways of the wind direction and broke part of the deck and blocked two of the 3 doors. A giant tree just missed their van (leaving a small dent in the rear) and a smaller one was on the hood of our car leaving a couple dents.

We spent the rest of Saturday with chainsaws clearing the trees from around and on the cabin, and then all of Sunday and Monday from dawn to dusk getting eaten by blackflys and clearing the 1km private road to the main road of roughly 150-250 fallen trees.
We had 3 chainsaws + a tractor and 5 people working 8am to 9pm on Sunday and 6am to 530pm on Monday before we cleared the road and could drive out.

The destruction was not the result of 130kmh winds, I would guess in our area there were multiple tornadoes or winds exceeding 160kmh, possibly by a significant amount.


Damn. Glad you’re all right.

I saw one story that pegged wind speeds at up to 190 km/h. That’s equivalent to a Cat 3 hurricane. I’ve never seen anything like the damage this storm did walking around my neighbourhood Monday.

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In my neighborhood in Toronto there was like only 15-30 minutes of high winds but it took down a couple of trees.

The researchers estimated that existing oil and gas projects worth $1.4tn (£1.1tn) would lose their value if the world moved decisively to cut carbon emissions and limit global heating to 2C. By tracking many thousands of projects through 1.8m companies to their ultimate owners, the team found most of the losses would be borne by individual people through their pensions, investment funds and share holdings.

Lol 2C is more than we agreed with the Paris protocols.

The analysis also found that financial institutions have $681bn of these potentially worthless assets on their balance sheets, more than the estimated $250-500bn of mispriced sub-prime housing assets that triggered the 2007-08 financial crisis.

Overall, the study calculated that individuals own 54% of the $1.4tn oil and gas assets at risk – $756bn.

But the proportion is much higher in the US and UK, where individuals own 86% and 75% of the potentially stranded assets respectively. In contrast, 80% of those assets in China are owned by the government.

“Most of the market risk falls on private investors, overwhelmingly in OECD countries, including substantial exposure through pension funds and financial markets.”

So yeah we will never move to target ambitious goals. We are fucked.

That article seems like only half the picture.

Like. If I move my wallet from one pocket to the other. Would seem silly to say. “Rugby about to lose $200”

A bunch of fossil fuel projects will be losers in the transition. A lot of projects will be winners. Many of those projects will be held by the same companies, but even if not, pensions can hold shares in the others too


The outlook is even worse for Canada, our stock market is majorly propped up by the exporting of oil and gas.

I think if it was that easy then a lot of people would have gotten very rich during the pandemic because they all held biontech stock. But when you look at the bigger picture only a handful of pharma companies got it right with their vaccine and I expect similar to happen with the solutions for climate change. I would also expect the latter to rise slower than the demise of their counterparts which means you are worth off initially. Esp people who are close to retirement could be hit hard I would assume.

My god is this episode of Cody’s Showdie a fucking depressing nightmare

Well don’t buy a new car or shoes or tshirts if their manufacture uses so much more water than showers.

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It’s not even Summer yet.

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105 something million under heat advisory

arizona is basically tatooine


So excited for people to start wearing Fremen suits



wtf, they stopped so they could get hit by more rocks? Holy christ people are dumb.

Rewatching it, it seems like there was one pretty big one that rolled right in front of them as they slow down, I think they made the right play here.

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Hey, look! A house I can afford!

Insert Shapiro Aquaman video here.


Yeah, stopping there was instinctual and probably saved them from being hit by the one in front. But then they stayed there for at least another 5 seconds while more rocks are tumbling towards them.