Climate Change and the Environment

I was actually only half kidding myself. I guarantee Trump thought about it.

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i don’t see why i would assume it could only be a gop president, other than gop rigging all elections going forward.

I don’t think it really is. Why would the US go tap Lake Winnipeg when it can drain Lake Michigan without crossing a border?

It’s a huge part of international trade agreements between Canada and the US.

NAFTA’s outdated man, it’s all about that USMCA now.

That doc is about the USMCA. It was just written when it was called NAFTA 2.1 before it had its final name.

Could be, but one guy had water coming up through his fireplace and he doesn’t live near any rivers or creeks. Maybe that’s a common thing, though?

Yeah hurricanes you want to evacuate and just have your house be strong enough to survive mostly in tact and high enough not to flood. Tornadoes you’re going to the basement, my long term plan if I ever get to own a house is to have a tornado shelter in the basement that’s actually comfy to hang out in, as I expect to spend more than a few nights a year in there. Then the rest of the house I’d like to have fortified enough to withstand like an EF1 and maybe a moderate EF2, which probably just means stronger windows. An EF3 or bigger hits and there’s just not much you can do.

Pssh, is there not enough water or too much water? Damn libs can’t make up their minds about how they want the hoax to go!


You joke but I have been asked the exact question a ton. “If there is all this flooding what are you talking about lack of water?”

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Mmmmmmm, drinking that sweet sweet floodwater

It can drain all of the Great Lakes without crossing a border.


Seems bad.

What do you expect from a Democrat Run State!?!?!


An incredible book about the waters of the Great Lakes:

The Death and Life of the Great Lakes

It goes into a ton of depth about the political sensitivities of transfer of Great Lakes water outside of the basin. The long and short of it is that there actually isn’t that much water flow in the Great Lakes basin, and lake levels are already subject to increasingly large fluctuations due to climate change and other human impacts. Amazing read.


Well, Republicans were right. California went red.


Interestingly, I think the severity maps pretty well with the highest Republican population areas in California (probably fill in the darker shade of red all the way to the state lines in the northern most section though). This is just scientific evidence the Radical Leftists are conspiring to make global warming impact the Right disproportionally!


Great fucking job.

I am probably a shitty human being but I think heatwaves that kill (lots of)people is one of the very few reasons mankind starts taking climate change seriously. And it has to happen all over the play especially in the developed(western) world. Hurricanes only destroy livelyhoods but kill too few. Same with floods unless it is the 3rd world but who cares about them, right? Melting polar ice? Nah now we have access to new resources. Bad harvests probably only lead to an increased use of fertilizer destroying the soil even more.

Nah, like everything else this will provoke a K-shaped policy approach, like tax subsidies for rich people to help them pay for expensive air conditioning. The poors can just die in the street.

Use of fertilizer doesn’t destroy soil.