Climate Change and the Environment

Apt episode of John Oliver just last night

Too much, or the wrong kind, can harm the soil ecosystem.

I gave an oversimplified response to an oversimplified statement. There are situations where fertilizer can harm soil, yes. There are also situations where water can harm soil the soil ecosystem, but we don’t say water destroys soil.

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Well in Germany we have one of the worst nitrate polluted groundwaters in Europe because our farmers put too much off that stuff on their fields. Yeah it seems i am a little mistaken with soil in that case.

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This is an old joke. I think some high school science fair kid did it first.

There was a recent Sci-Fi book called “Ministry for the Future” that starts off with a runaway heat catastrophe in India. Outside of the first chapter, which was great the rest was dull.


Some predictions from the book-terrorism directed the board of fossil fuel companies, terrorism directed at airlines, India after initially getting any help from the rest of the world takes matters into its own hands by releasing reflective matter into the upper atmosphere.

It’s by Kim Staley Robinson … Whose Mars Trilogy is one of my favorite series of hard sci-fi novels. Years of rice and salt was also decent.
This one is … Uneven. You get a sense he’s still stuck in star trek TNG era visions of utopian futures when the zeitgeist is super WAAF.

His books tend to have a bit of a new age west coast hippy vibe just below the surface. He’s definitely a techno-optimist.

For contrast, William Gibson’s in-progress Jackpot Trilogy is crushing the current zeitgeist so hard it’s terrifying.

Everything fine. Nothing to see here.

Was there this much activity when Manchin killed BBB or the green new deal happened? How should you fight all these battles at once? How could you have people being informed enough to deliver results on the SC drama, Russias war, climate change and income equality. I am sure there are few more problems that need urgent attention.
Btw: Climate limit of 1.5C close to being broken, scientists warn | Climate crisis | The Guardian

The year the world breaches for the first time the 1.5C global heating limit set by international governments is fast approaching, a new forecast shows.

The probability of one of the next five years surpassing the limit is now 50%, scientists led by the UK Met Office found. As recently as 2015, there was zero chance of this happening in the following five years. But this surged to 20% in 2020 and 40% in 2021. The global average temperature was 1.1C above pre-industrial levels in 2021.

So despite lower emission due to Covid we are heading the wrong way like an unstoppable freight train.

From another article:

Coral bleaching affected 91% of reefs surveyed along the Great Barrier Reef this year, according to a report by government scientists that confirms the natural landmark has suffered its sixth mass bleaching event on record.

It was the first mass bleaching event recorded during a cooler La Niña year.

Something doesn’t compute.

I think it means that in 2020 there was a 20% chance that we reach 1.5 from 2021-2025 and now we are at 40% to reach 1.5 in 2022-2026

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if you gotta build on stilts, you are too close to the ocean imo.

Sometimes I wonder what the collective global freakout is going to be like when the scale of what’s happening finally breaks through to the general public. I don’t think that moment is too many years away.

Continued apathy until it directly impacts someone personally and severely.


The “how deep into this article can you get before nope-ing out in a deep depression” challenge. I made it like 10%.

I think it’s more likely to go apathy → protectionism → freakout. The climate crisis is going to hit poor countries around the equator first, and there will be a massive climate refugee problem. The first freakout from wealthy Westerners will be PROTECT US FROM THE IMMIGRANTS!


Can’t wait till all the rich people that built close to the water just pick up and abandon their homes to be claimed by the ocean, which will cause a separate disaster for coastal areas spreading house wreckage and pollutants throughout the water.