Climate Change and the Environment

Imagine having to assist these rich waterfront property owning assholes when mother nature comes to collect her debts. I’ve rented waterfront cabins built into dikes where the water level of Puget Sound is 5-feet higher than the basement and the landward terrain was previously estuarine wetlands/open water. Only a fool would build a home there…yeah, we’re fucked.

We all assist by publicly subsidizing their insurance to build these homes in these locations.

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I am sure climate change is not helping but beach erosion is extremely complex and happened rapidly long before climate change was an issue. Holland has been battling beach erosion triggered by sea walls build far away from the impacted beaches for centuries.

Yep, and the public will be sold on bailing them out because of the small percentage of joe six packs that have their life savings invested in their second home

Man does a mile run in Death Valley on Sunday (130 degrees F) dressed as Darth Vader.

the other thing i heard about that super white paint is that it currently takes them 18 hours to produce enough paint to cover a 3” x 3” square :joy:

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Pretty depressing slide from a water conditions report I had to listen to today:

Real bad shit is coming soon isn’t it. Like millions if not billions affected. Within 20 yrs I reckon. Fuck knows how the world will react. Badly I think.

Hopefully this UFO shit is real and they’ll save us. Or Ai.

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AI is nowhere near solving unique problems with novel solutions. Right now it is mainly just faster in getting answers already out there. So aliens are our only chance to prevent pretty bad outcomes for the poorest people/nations.

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r/conservative is on it

The meteorologist giving the presentation basically said they have no idea what’s going to happen because this is completely unprecedented. We are in an El Niño pattern which usually creates wind conditions that break up activity in the tropics and depresses hurricanes. So the people that manage Lake Okeechobee have been keeping at a higher level than normal. But the guy said this heat creates a ton of variance so anything could happen. Basically our predictive models are much less reliable, which makes managing the most complex water management system in the world a bit more difficult.

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Then there’s this:

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Sabine says no.

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Isnt that the lady with the really bad takes on trans teens?

I didn’t watch that video and wouldn’t be the best judge. When it comes to physics, her takes are solid imo. She does have a lot of haters.

The ocean currents thing is still bad, but the headline is wrong. Eta Headline aside, the Guardian article ~agrees with what Hossenfelder says.

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Yeah. But manufacturing solar panels and wind turbines, putting them up, and connecting them to the grid are all problems that could be helped with AI.

The science in her videos is almost always solid and easy to understand. Gulf stream can’t collapse because it is caused by the rotation of the earth. AMOC is a different ocean current that pushes the gulf stream further north around Europe and makes it warmer and that could stop. Scientists are very divided as to the chances of this happening. If it would happen average land temperatures in western Europe could drop around 3-5 degrees.

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…Clauser wrote that he was informed that Moreno canceled his speech because he “feared that I might say technical things that were over his head and that he couldn’t understand.”

Physicists can be some arrogant bastards.