Climate Change and the Environment

Holy crap, July/Aug are the 2 hottest months there and we’re barely 1/6th of the way thru that stretch

Multiple tornadoes in Ottawa today. It’s the new normal.

One thing I’ve noticed is that the reaction to these events here mirrors the reaction to gun massacres in the US. Lots of thoughts and prayers on social media from tons of people with no intention to lift a finger to actually address the underlying problem.

Your average person isn’t capable of having any impact on either issue so this reaction seems pretty reasonable to me tbh. I think it’s like Covid. Every man for themselves and try and live the best life you can until you die. The idea we are going to come together as a species and solve climate change is a fantasy imo. You can recycle or drive an electric car or whatever but in the end it won’t matter at all. It’s all just a coping mechanism to make you feel better. If it does then by all means go for it.


Yep, im 100% doomer on the climate. We lost, a long time ago. We sold our future to oil peddlers and now mother earth has shown up to claim the debt. First we let them poison the air we breath and the water we drink with lead, then we let them set the planet on fire. What the fuck did we think was going to happen?

Im not gonna actively make things worse but Ive resigned myself long ago to knowing it will continue to get worse until we die out. Ill be dead before then, and my children likely will as well. I just hope its not too bad for any grandchildren I end up having. And this isnt the same thing as the “fuck ya’ll got mine” boomers. This is giving up in the face of unconquerable odds.


Literally the only hope I have, that would mesh with the way the world works now, is that we science the fuck out of it in a way that fits capitalism. Development and manufacturing of carbon scrubbing and desalinization tech, efficiency improvement and massive scaling of every type of renewable energy tech, etc…but done in a way that lines a few billionaire’s pockets further and keeps just enough people employed to keep the global economy chugging. It’s depressing but I think it’s the only way we get there.


What if I were to tell you that America’s foremost minds are on the case?

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The logical part of me agrees. I’m just in a mood.

So many of the people I’m seeing post T&P today were rushing to agree with our mayor yesterday saying a road that’s been partially closed for a portion of the year for active transportation needs to be opened up to cars full time again. It’s a tiny thing in the grand scheme of things, but I just feel like it’s not even that they’re not trying to help, they’re an active hindrance, and I’m feeling very uncharitable toward them at the moment. Which isn’t a great state of mind to be in, but it’s where I’m at.

Ridiculous nonsense.

The US generates 1.4 billion gallons of paint per year, which is enough paint to paint around 17,000 square miles. 1% of the earth’s land area is 1.9 million square miles. So, we just need 100-200 years of America’s paint production to solve climate change. Why aren’t we jumping on that great idea right now?!

Also, you can’t just paint ground, painted ground would get covered in dust and lose its reflectiveness, producing the paint would be an environmental disaster, paint photodegrades, etc.

I hope a “one weird trick to solve climate change” works someday, but can we stop wasting time with obviously bad ideas?

(To be clear, I feel like you were being sarcastic about it and recognize that.)

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What if we paint the clouds instead of the ground?

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The whole premise is wrong. Changing the albedo of the earth in one location is going to cause lots of weather related issues and will probably do very little to combat climate change. These suggestions always come from non-climate scientist that ignore the ‘let’s assume earth behaves like a radiating blackbody’ and then just use the equations that follow from that.

I don’t think this is true

I’m viewing this like if are all 21 year olds and Hitler has just invaded Poland.

We all need to find out way in helping. It’s only a small part, but we need to try.

  • actively support a political party that is pro change
  • talk to friends and colleagues
  • influence your company to make better environmental decisions
  • change career and do some of the work.
  • go to any protest you can

We are seeing rapid movement on climate change and energy. Some of the fastest and most aggressive international cooperation we have seen.

The issue is

  1. It’s not fast enough.
  2. Every year we are behind the curve, more we have to do in future

This stuff still matters. Because while it’s really important to hit 1.5 or 2 degrees. The difference between 2.2 and 2.8 or 3.1 degrees really matters. Or will for your kids and grandkids.


I want to preface this by saying I don’t believe Earth has been visited by aliens.

But when there was that flood of UFO/UAP info released by the government months ago, I thought that was our one out - Daddy Alien showing up to bail us out, giving us some magical carbon capture technology.

A relative of mine has just become a huge conspiracy guy about UFOs/Aliens being here. So much so that although he is in general a pretty liberal guy he is sending me to Newsmax as proof. There is a part of me that also wishes it might be true for your exact reasons.

the morality police are desperately needed to police agency in Mexico apparently

This seems pretty good. Most of the California reservoirs are over compared to their historical average for this month & day.

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I’m beginning to think El Rushbo mislead me about a thing or two

Yeah, its certainly good right now, but there is no way to count on a similar winter in any given year. Especially with El Nino hitting this summer. Who knows what will happen this winter. Hopefully we can avoid one summer/fall of really bad fires

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Officials said hospitals were using body bags filled with ice to cool down some patients who have overheated.

Anyone know how much they charge for that procedure?

Check out the acceleration here

Building was built in 1971 15 feet from the shoreline. 43 years later In 2014, that had reduced by 7 feet to 8 feet from the shoreline. Now 9 years later its reduced from 8 feet to 0 feet. A nearly 5X acceleration.

Fuck me

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