Climate Change and the Environment

I was also adding to. I hope

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Any idea wherw we are at on the “Once we get to +2c global average change we are super duper turbo fucked” scale?

We are somewhere just under 1.5 degrees now.

Worth noting that 1.5 degrees is pretty fucking fucked

2 degrees is “fuck. We are fucking fucked fucked!”

Current policies gets us to 2.8 degrees by 2100. Average projection. This is uncertain so it could be less, could be 3 or 4 degrees.

There’s a bunch of tipping point possibilities which could result in non linear outcomes.

I don’t have the language to describe how fucked we will be at 4 degrees.

I keep wondering how we will eventually realize that everything may come to late. This exact moment where everything makes click for the majority. These days you see a record broken each week but most people go about their lives as if everything is normal. Problem is that most people cant grasp the concept of an average temperature. They look outside and complain that their summer is more rainy than expected.
I would say that the biggest problem for mankind is that the majority of temperate climate is in the USA and central Europe at least thats where the maps show the remaining green areas.

Chronic summertime smoke pollution from wildfires seems to be the first thing to shake some people (not a lot) out of their apathy. Some affluent people that kind of reasonably assumed the worst of climate change would be borne by other people were kind of shocked to find the direct personal impact of climate change in their cities and in their lungs.

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Still a reasonable assumption, imo. You just head to the summer home when it happens.

We could also just get rid of all the forests in Canada imo.

Ain’t nobody got time for that

Trump gonna campaign on (and win) a promise to build a wall with Canada to trap in their pollution. Unclear who will pay for it tho.

The people not realising now that things are getting out of hand will stick their head in the sand until water reaches their homes or they can’t go outside anymore because it is too hot and humid. Even conflicts over water and resources will not get tot them unless it happens on their doorstep.

My wife’s family in Mexico City only gets running water 4 days a week. For the other days, they just store water in barrels for use. Can you imagine Boomers in the USA having to live like that?

Even in the wealthy zones for rich Mexicans and expats, water outages are somewhat frequent and I imagine they’ll start getting much worse.

I agree with you and this is consistent with what I was saying in my other post. The intensity of the smoke in many Eastern North America cities in the last several weeks was that “can’t go outside anymore” moment for some people.


It’s quite common in many places round the world to collect rainwater in tanks for general cleaning, showers etc. and boil/bottle the tap water when it’s available (for drinking/cooking).

It’s surprisingly easy to have a shower with just one bucket of water (maybe less easy if you have very long hair).

I don’t agree with comparing the effects on mass populations of climate disaster with the fall of Rome over 500 years.

I dont think that this was the quintessence of the article. I think he said that Rome didnt collapse in one day. It was a series of smaller events all of which eroded the foundation a little more until it wasnt anymore.

Right, but I don’t really see the parallel. Mass migrations of populations escaping climate death/starvation/civil war in a small timescale are one thing we know we can expect from climate change because it’s already happening now for non-climate reasons.

Well sucks that i cant read the article on my PC without an account and copying that stuff from my mobile is tedious work. Its not focussed on climate change rather than that the for example the USA already entered this phase of going downhill. The systens are failing because they have been neglected or they were never invested in the first place.

Democracy declines. Basic systems no longer work, out of neglect, abandonment, ruin, or just sheer lack of investment. Meanwhile inequality spirals, because now those who can provide the basics make a killing - they go from ultra rich to mega rich to giga rich. Soon enough feudalism has returned, replete with dynasty, accompanied by the end of universal rights.

He goes on how UN has a budget of 3.5 billion. Compare that to the richest person on earth or the budget of the US military. And the UN has or tries to a lot of different tasks with this meager budget.

Overall its not an article which doesnt belong just to this discussion here.

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Everything fine nothing to see here.

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