Climate Change and the Environment

Apparently it may largely be because of an unusual dearth of windblown dust from the Sahara.

Combination of “hottest day of your life… So far” meme plus some selection bias.

Despite the heatwave, Texas’s Republican governor, Greg Abbott, recently signed a state bill that nullifies local city ordinances enacted by the cities of Austin and Dallas that require 10-minute water breaks for construction workers every four hours.

I really would like to hear the reasoning why you would sign such a bill and think you are doing something right. Is it more than “fkn liberals”?

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This is easy. Construction workers are overwhelmingly brown.

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I’m surprised Devil didn’t post about this but our governor in Utah tweeted yesterday that our record winter which drastically improved our drought levels and filled lakes and reservoirs was thanks to Utahns responding to his call for prayers. “It worked”. I can’t retrieve the tweet and have no idea if it was deleted or because lol Twitter but here’s a link to his official statement on the state site.

Incredible stuff

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This is fine.

“Unfortunately, it promises to only be the first in a series of new records set this year as increasing emissions of [carbon dioxide] and greenhouse gases coupled with a growing El Nino event push temperatures to new highs,” said Zeke Hausfather, a research scientist at Berkeley Earth, in a statement.

If global temperatures stay the same and even increase during 3-4 years of La Nina then it is obvious the next El Nino is going to be a disaster.

yep. it’s a nice 93 here right now 7:45 central

and poor air quality for what lol fireworks and wildfires ?

103 was the forecast the other day, so i slept all day

Prove it didn’t work. Chessmate libtard.

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For me every day is the hottest day ever recorded as my wife ascends to her peak of milfyness.


Where I live Redondo Beach is now San Francisco. I’ll leave my house it’s 70 and sunny. An hour later the fog rolls in and my hoodie is woefully inadequate and I wish I brought my coat. I’ve lived here 20 years. This seems new

We just had our 3rd hottest June on record, 2nd hottest was 2021 :harold:

I don’t mind the heat but it’s also been really dry for a MN summer which is fine for my body but bad for the plants.

Are there just more temperature measurements in the Northern hemisphere? I would have thought the hottest global temperatures come in the Winter months (Northen hemisphere winter months) as that’s when the Earth is closest to the sun…but perhaps global temperatures are hottest when more of the land is getting more direct sun and there’s a lot more land in the Northern hemisphere than the Southern.

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I think it’s the latter.

Land will have greater seasonal swings. The oceans stay much closer to the average throughout the year

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Yeah, it’s easier to heat up land than to heat up a giant ocean.

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:white_check_mark: Google says the heat capacity of dirt is ~4-5 times less than water.

Dirt doesn’t circulate.

I was agreeing with eybooger and trying to add some quantitative context. I wrote it backwards so corrected it. Ofc circulation also helps to keep the ocean surface cool.