Climate Change and the Environment

So in southern France they are praying for rain with a procession for the first time in 150 years. Is it time to burn witches again?

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The oceans have been record-warm for the past four years, scientists reported in January. Then in mid-March, climatologists noted that global sea surface temperature climbed to a new high.

El Niño could – for the first time – push the world past 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming above the pre-industrial levels of the mid-to-late 1800s.

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Comments all up in there are horrifying. Fortunately they are fighting a losing battle.

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Sick thing is she is kind of accidentally right in that orbital parameters do partly drive climate change.

Something is very wrong with that chart. Have you got a source for the orginal?

I just googled LCOE renewable energy and searched for images, but recreating that search it looks like that image came from

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Ah. Nm. Just got confused on the units. Was off by a factor of 10.


I should really close my twitter account. The more I read there esp the comments after somebody posted some climate science the more I think it climate change impacts cant come fast and hard enough. No trying to prevent it no trying to mitigate it let people die in the millions. Unfortunately it will hit the most vulnerable first and not the idiots posting on twitter.
All these clowns writing more co2 means more growth its so great. yeah no shit and the soil has unlimited nutrients. But it was warmer few thousand years ago. Yeah no shit but there werent 8 billion people living on this planet that need to be fed.
But we will adapt. To adapt you need admit there is a problem in the first place.


It’s really insane but I can almost feel how twitter is radicalizing me more and more.

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You are letting the loud voices of the minority cloud your view of the world. The vast majority of people globally, and a majority even in the US, believe climate change is real, it’s anthropogenic and it’s a global threat that warrants major action.


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Just to be clear. It hasnt been this warm for millions of years.

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I’ll give him 2/4. Maybe.

“Believing it” doesn’t mean shit.

Perhaps, but it’s certainly better than not believing it. You don’t have to drag them as far.

Who doesn’t have to drag them as far?

Aren’t we the them that need dragging? Who of us is doing ang dragging?

I don’t have a list of names. Let’s call them the draggers.


There are some draggers out there. Greta Thunberg comes to mind.

Not sure if that will lead to anything few decades down the road:

Of course they do.

Cant wait for the summer. Spain is awaiting 40°C this week and they already have a scarcity of water. Anything so we can buy strawberries every month of the year.

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