Climate Change and the Environment

Even though it’s snowed a lot this winter, overall we’re still deep in a drought. The Great Salt Lake is near historic low water levels with the potential for toxic dust to be added to our already nasty air pollution problems.

This belongs here as well as the TV thread.


Isn’t this the premise of The Last of Us?

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I was worried about what eating meat was doing to the environment so moved to an alfalfa heavy diet.


There is another article on this distilled-website about someone trying to kill all offshore windparks on the eastern coast of the USA. My blood is boiling.

There have been an abnormally high number of dead whales washing up on NJ beaches over the past couple months. Anti wind farm idiots are blaming a wind turbine project that is in the very early stages, and doing so with zero evidence of course. “Its the sonar! Its the boats! Wind turbines are the devil!”. Obviously the distilled version that trickles down to the low info voters is that its a direct result of wind turbines and we should ban all green energy projects. It’s so, so dumb.

Has anyone checked to see if these are vaccine injuries?


If you take a casual look at the protests and law suits against wind power you can be fooled into thinking they are grassroots in some way, either that they are really environmentalists or that they are just numbskulls on facebook or something.

The actions against this wind farm are lead by groups like Protect Our Coast New Jersey. If you take the Donate Now link on their page you get to a place to donate to The Caesar Rodney Institute, which is a right-wing pressure group which gets it’s funding from lots of nefarious fossil fuel industry people like Charles Koch.


Absolute shocker

Theres certainly a lot of astroturfing protests, but there are often reasonable local objections to wind turbines, especially onshore.

There are issues with shadowing, land use, traffic, construction, etc. I dont mention line of site type stuff as reasonable, but it also motivates behaviour.

Of course. All of these can be overcome with consultation, negotiation, etc.

I’m.not particularly sympathetic, because the people impacted are normally wealthy rural landowners, so fuck them, but there are redistributive effects to.consider.

Great twitter opener to start the day for me.

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That’s a good article from the Guardian. The Twitter intro seems a bit backwards to me, kindness tends to happen when people aren’t worried about things. Maybe I’m missing the point.

He already has given up hope. I think the article is just another piece that confirms his stance.

When it comes to climate change this position is maybe more harmful than the deniers.


Who cares if he doesn’t have hope? That attitude seems fine.

I bet this guy has never been wrong.