Climate Change and the Environment

This is way worse ruling than it even seems on first blush. It basically severs the federal state alignment in the regulation over wetlands so that those in blue states will be protected and those in red not. This will lead to way more flooding and water quality issues in red states.

Ignoring subsurface flow is ridiculous and when the shit hits the fan they’ll blame dems. Fuck the Sacketts. Selfish assholes.

Thanks again, RBG!

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Especially since, by pure count, the vast majority of wetlands have no surface flow.

Isolated wetlands have been almost solely under state jurisdiction since the SWANCC decision in 2001, so blue states should be ok on this front at least until the next case makes it back to the SC. Fucking hacks.

Wetlands are SOCIALISM!

I know this is cutting off my nose to spite my face thing but there is a part of me that thinks yeah fuck you red states make your shitty states shittier

I thought this was a pretty good article on Vox.

The prospect of breaking global temperature records is kind of what I expect each year as climate change keeps on truckin’, but the prospect of a more sudden and more dramatic increase in summer 2023 is pretty terrifying. No one is ready for this.

This is going to become a huge millenial/gen Z housing crisis if the feds don’t do something soon. Its already agonizingly hard to get home ownership if youre under 30-35, now tack on places becoming increasingly uninsurable and what exactly happens next?

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Great news for me moving to California in a few months and looking to buy a home in the next year or two, sigh

I’m surprised there isn’t more of this already.

Ultimately I guess certain places will have a rebuild every x years or so reflected in the price but as a lot of these places are generally desirable for the foreseeable future just don’t get left holding the bag when the inevitable happens

I keep thinking about where and how to live with CC. I’m in the northeast and feel pretty good. But feels like owning a home is a bad gamble.

90% of people in CA live where there’s zero chance of wildfire.

100% live where it will eventually be swallowed up in unimaginable fire by the same sun that made all life possible


This kind of thing is getting more and more common all over North America. We have a similar limitation where I live.

Seems good, but also terrible for the housing supply

My friend in Haiti just had his house flooded by insane rains.

This is from his town. I have seen a lot of rain, but never anything that looks like this.

For context, this is the town that was completely destroyed during the 2010 hurricane. The pictures within my friend’s house look like around 4’ of water. Enough to destroy all of his possessions, but the house itself appears to still be standing.

Horrible. I’ve said it over and over but we need to allow complete access to climate refugees from Caribbean islands.



Somebody needs to photoshop thisisfinedog into it.