Climate Change and the Environment

I missed out on bitcoin, but have a couple cans of crab meat I’m going to hang on to. Should yield similar returns I expect.


Long article but I enjoyed the read. Renewable costs and scaling have gotten to a point of no return where I’m not even worried about the impending GOP gutting. Companies like Shell and BP are becoming major players in the industry not out of moral responsibility but capitalistic gains.

We probably avoided complete doom, but the ramifications of decades of ignoring science is going to hurt billions of people.


This is so fucked up on multiple levels.

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A little bit of positivity for this dire thread:

Cliff: Young woman wants to save bees and develops an 3d printed entrance which is coated in some essence that kills the Varroa mites but doesnt harm the bees. Beta testing seems to show a 70% reduction in varroa mite infestations.


Holy hell

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varroa aren’t going to kill the bees. it’s a problem but not the doomsday everyone feared from the headlines


Ah well nevertheless

Suzzer, your pony is in ashes.

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Utqiagvik, city at the top of Alaska, set a record high temperature for December Monday by 6 degrees. Actually the warmest day there’s ever been there at any point between late October and late April.

In the 1980s, Utah installed pumps to drain water out of the Great Salt Lake into the west desert because the water level was too high. They’re still there, just in case.

If this place goes sideways, it will definitely be too late to do anything.

We have a family photo from a trip to SLC in the early 80’s of a sign that says ‘Dune Buggy Rentals’. It’s about 200 yards off shore and barely above water, along with the adjacent building’s roof.

i guess i’m gonna google it bc i’m curious, but what’s there besides at least one thermometer? can’t be much right? bc that’s basically fucking mars…

edit: holy shit 350k people?!? and rapidly growing?!? ahahaha russians are fucking beast

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The only building I know of near the lake is Saltair, an old resort and concert venue. There’s never been much near it because the shore moves a lot. This song is supposed to refer to the Saltair.

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It wasn’t any sort of major building. Just a little shack were you presumably used to be able to rent dune buggies.

Well then maybe near the marina, which is close to Saltair and I-80. Closest thing I can think of to any attraction for tourists. There’s a gigantic smokestack easily visible from there at a smelter run by Kennecott.

I just drove by saltair a few weeks ago while in Salt Lake City. We took half a day and drove out to the salt flats

Btw if you ever visit the salt flats, most people just hop off I80 at the rest stop, and it’s nice there, but if you go just a bit further west there’s an exit and you can take a little shitty road (it’s so shitty it doesn’t even show up on google maps on my phone but it is there on the desktop website IIRC) to “the raceway” which is literally just a sign.

Anyway, highly recommended. We hit up Wendover while we we there, played a little video poker and got a Starbucks before heading back to town. My wife spent the drive on the way back reading me various shit about the Donner party (which passed through the salt flats before getting stuck up in the mountains, very uplifting.