Climate Change and the Environment

They frequently do, but they’re rarely this bad and nobody pays attention to what happens outside the US so you never hear about them.

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Also unless you are going to forcibly remove people from PR this plan wouldn’t work. The people who wanted to leave for the mainland largely already have and the people who wanted to stay have stayed. A lot of my wife’s family is from PR and there is a pretty even split between the people who stayed and the people who went somewhere else in the US.

where do PR residents and expats (?) stand on independence vs statehood?

Wow, really? I would have just thought the occasional nor’easter, or remnants of a hurricane that was down to tropical storm/depression level winds. Despite being post-tropical this one was packing a Cat2/3 punch right?

Yeah I mean, I’m definitely not for forcibly removing people. I think we should rebuild properly after storms come through, but not in low-lying/vulnerable areas that we know are going to get wrecked over and over - I feel the same way about coastal areas on the Atlantic coast. I don’t think taxpayer money should go to rebuilding stuff that’s going to get knocked down again in a few years and be underwater not too long after that.

A couple dozen of them were Cat1’s & Cat2’s at landfall.

From the people I have talked to it is fairly split.

In other weather news.

Manila about to be hit by a super typhoon. Philippines gets 20 to 30 typhoons a year. But theres some evidence they are getting stronger because of climate change.

I’m here visiting family. Supposed to fly out tomorrow. The typhoon should be past by then, I just need to fade the airport being wrecked or knock on effects of earlier flights being canceled.

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Uh, I wouldn’t bet on being able to fly out if a hurricane is going to hit the airport the day before.

Looks like it’s fine.

Manila didnt get hit that hard.

Clear skies already this morning.


Charles also spoke at the last COP.


This is fine.

An estimated one billion crabs have mysteriously disappeared in two years, state officials said. It marks a 90% drop in their population.

Stonks being down 20% doesn’t seem so bad when crabs are down 90%



Imagine if you could invest in crab futures. Or crab jpegs, they may be all we have left of crabs soon. @spidercrab how much you want for your avatar?

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I thought someone said the crabs didn’t disappear, they just moved from american waters to russian waters

I think it’s all a ploy by Big Crab.