Climate Change and the Environment

huh canada has an august? and a beach?? where people frequent?

fwiw i’m just kidding. i saw a woman in a down jacket at krogers in seattle in the second week of september. that’s how we know summer is over.

We love going to the beach in August but you have to be careful because the ice can get dangerously thin at peak summer temperatures.


stay safe.

Wait until you see the price of those Canada Goose jackets everyone wears now.

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I was about to bring these up. I remember these being the choice for wealth signaling pre-pandemic. Dunno if it’s still a thing.

Spent the last few days at an enormous battery conference. Insane number of people chasing hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade. A huge China question looms. A ton of faith in materials recycling. Open discussion of using corporate structure to shield automakers from liability when electric vehicle batteries catch fire. Business strategies that stretch two decades.

Now I’m in the airport bar getting drunk and waiting on some fine Michigan gummies to kick in.


The keynote address ended and there was time for a question. It was pointed, critical of China. The speaker said, “I’d just like to correct two things you said,” gave some propaganda, and then said, “oh, I see we’re out of time.”

In some ways it was standard. But there is something about the enormity of the financial opportunity that … something

any interesting non-lithium designs out there?

I don’t really know. The battery chemistry aspect is huge but frankly that’s something I am just learning about. Much talk of nickel and lithium prices going 10x over a decade …

the price is definitely something to keep in mind, although 10x incentives like that should be huge drivers of finding more efficient designs and more available chemistries. i have heard so much about lithium having the perfect atomic number, i always have to remind myself it’s only one aspect of the whole package.

Carbon, atomic number 6 (perfect number)
Nickel, atomic number 28 (perfect number)
Lithium, atomic number 3 (not a perfect number)


Nickel going 10x would be very problematic for a lot of non battery stuff that we use in everyday life, better find some alternate materials if that’s going to happen.

Probably because Patagonia stopped doing corporate branded gigs like that. Fuckers stopped a month or two before my 3 year vest (the kind you wear, not stocks), so I got North Face too lol.

All the rich people (and especially the rich Asians) wear Canada Goose in the NE US. Patagonia is too blase for them.

I will say that a Patagonia T-shirt is very popular in summers in Australia!

Exxon, which recently announced profits of $17.9bn for the three months until June, more than three times what it earned in the same quarter a year ago, has publicly said it is “committed” to the Paris climate agreement to curb global heating.

However, the documents released by the Democratic-led House committee include an August 2019 memo by an executive to Darren Woods, Exxon’s chief executive, on the need to “remove reference to Paris agreement” from an announcement by an industry lobby group that Exxon is a member of.

Shell, meanwhile, has committed to becoming a “net zero” emissions business by 2050, and yet the documents show a private 2020 communication in which employees are urged to never “imply, suggest, or leave it open for possible misinterpretation that (net zero) is a Shell goal or target”. Shell has “no immediate plans to move to a net-zero emissions portfolio” over the next 10 to 20 years, it added.

shocked pikachu

With Puerto Rico being trashed again by a hurricane you have start thinking if it wouldnt be cheaper to relocate the people to the USA and just let the Island be. Its location wont change and a lot of the storm paths go right through it. I read on CNN today:

“The insanity of going back and putting it back the way it was isn’t working,” Fugate told CNN on Monday.

“We’ve got to really focus on making the investments of where we’re going to rebuild, how we’re going to rebuild. Because the climate has changed – how we’ve been rebuilding and developing hasn’t caught up yet,” he added.

Zero chance. The GOP would lose its mind bringing 3 million brown people to the US mainland, and so would certain Dem senators and a certain Dem president. Meanwhile, the same people won’t want to spend too much money rebuilding. We’ll do the same thing we’ve been doing: a half-assed rebuild and it’ll get smashed by another hurricane in a few more months/years.


Seems worth noting that a fucking post-tropical cyclone is hitting CANADA right now.