Climate Change and the Environment

Those euro soccer clubs must be really confused

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Barn doors to be firmly closed in 13 years.


Read something interesting today. The winter being especially cold and wet has been a topic of conversation in Adelaide and throughout Australia. But:

Temperatures and rainfall were relatively close to the 1961 to 1990 average for the nation this winter… all states and territories stayed above average mean temperatures

So why is everyone convinced it was cold and wet? Well…

The national mean temperature was 0.36 degrees Celsius above the 1961 to 1990 average, but the coldest since 2014.

The nationally averaged rainfall data has not threatened any records, coming in at just four per cent above average, but it was the wettest winter since 2016.

Because it was, compared to what we usually get now. We’ve just forgotten what the old normal was.

…the planet. That’s the part of the headline that got truncated.




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Record after record going down here. I grew up in Phoenix so I have a pretty high tolerance for heat and I have yet to turn on the window AC unit but even I have to admit this shit is getting to me. Just got to hold on till Friday.

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114 today in Norcal. Absurd

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It’s basically the Homer/Bart meme, but more depressing.


Thats depressing

basically, several years in the next one or two decades we will see large retreats, each capable of noticeably raising the global water level.

There was a climate denier on 22, I can’t remember his name, who said glaciers weren’t evidence of anything. I wonder where he is rn? Probably still saying that.

As global warming intensifies droughts, floods and wildfires, Mr. Smith has become one of a growing number of ranchers, scientists and other “beaver believers” who see the creatures not only as helpers, but as furry weapons of climate resilience.

Last year, when Nevada suffered one of the worst droughts on record, beaver pools kept his cattle with enough water. When rains came strangely hard and fast, the vast network of dams slowed a torrent of water raging down the mountain, protecting his hay crop. And with the beavers’ help, creeks have widened into wetlands that run through the sagebrush desert, cleaning water, birthing new meadows and creating a buffer against wildfires.

True, beavers can be complicated partners. They’re wild, swimming rodents the size of basset hounds with an obsession for building dams. When conflicts arise, and they probably will, you can’t talk it out.

Beavers flood roads, fields, timber forests and other areas that people want dry. They fell trees without a thought as to whether humans would prefer them standing. In response to complaints, the federal government killed almost 25,000 beavers last year.

But beavers also store lots of water for free, which is increasingly crucial in the parched West. And they don’t just help with drought. Their engineering subdues torrential floods from heavy rains or snowmelt by slowing water. It reduces erosion and recharges groundwater. And the wetlands beavers create may have the extra benefit of stashing carbon out of the atmosphere.

In addition to all that, the rodents do environmental double duty, because they also tackle another crisis unleashed by humans: rampant biodiversity loss. Their wetlands are increasingly recognized for creating habitat for myriad species, from salmon to sage grouse.

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I have always been a big fan of beavers. It’s a noble creature.

Local brag


They’re horrible little rodents when you have a stream and pond next to your house. My father waged a one man campaign against beavers for 40 years to keep his and his neighbors’ basements from being flooded.

Think my AC just went out. Its 830, and 104 degrees still outside.

Also theres a fucking hurricane in the pacific.

And its September.

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Seems bad.

Is bad. Pan to the left a little and I’ll wave to you!