ChrisV's Walrus - Reveal Thread

Different style but much the same result.

In 11th place, scoring 5 points, skydiver8 with Good Morning Kaia by BT

It’s always the same with BT, where I’m sort of waiting to see where the track is going, what it’s getting at, and enlightenment never arrives. You’ll have to put me in the “don’t get it” camp, I’m afraid.

Speaking of longish electronica that leaves me cold…

In 10th place, Lawnmower_Man with Busy Child by The Crystal Method

This was a pretty big track out here, back in the day. Never a big fan of it, I find it a bit lifeless, not a lot of excitement and energy. Scoring better would have been track 1 from the same album, Trip Like I Do. The original version, not the shitty collaboration with Filter:

Some slightly menacing energy to that, nice buildup, I’ve always liked the “I want you to trip like me, I want you to have FUN” sample, with those slightly dark synths. Not huge on Crystal Method in general, but I like that one.

You guys managed to submit two different singles off the same album.

In 9th place, scoring 7 points, Master3004 with The Pretender by Foo Fighters

In 8th place, scoring 8 points, Goebs80 with Let It Die by Foo Fighters

They have an impressive ability to keep turning out solid rock songs, but it’s all been a bit samey for some time now imo. Can’t believe this was 12 years ago, I feel like The Pretender was from like last year.

Genuinely forgot mine was a single, but sure enough lol

In 7th place, scoring 9 points, pyatnitski with Gånglåten by Fläsket Brinner

Sort of prog-rockish instrumental. Pretty good? Finding it hard prod my brain into coherent thoughts about the songs today. I wouldn’t say I found it super engaging or moving, but it holds my interest. It does sound a bit like it was recorded through a tin can, which doesn’t help.

The next 6 songs I liked quite a bit and they’re going to be difficult to separate. Pressing on shortly…

More sound quality issues.

In 6th place, scoring 10 points, Johnny Truant with I Don’t Know Why (Live) by Stevie Wonder

Good performance of some nice soul, but man, that recording is rough, which made it hard to really get to grips with it.

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In 5th place, scoring 11 points, suzzer99 with Trains by Porcupine Tree

This was submitted to my last walrus by none other than WesleyC. I placed it 8th out of 12 on that occasion, so I’ve grown to like it more. I’m not a big fan of the ultra-clean production that this band tends to go with. Even when they drop the distorted guitars in the last minute or so, it’s a clean guitar sound, the singing is still very laid back, etc. I feel like I’d like it to rock harder and that the song would be so much better if they took it in a grittier, less slick direction. So although I like the song, I find listening to it a somewhat frustrating experience.

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Love everything I’ve heard from porcupine tree. I’m excited to give this a listen.

for anyone listening to mine, you need to watch the video…gives another level to the track (the album it comes from is called This Binary Universe and was released as a DVD…the visuals were made alongside the music and are part of the experience)

In 4th place, scoring 12 points, microbet with Me and Bobby McGee by Janis Joplin

I mean, yeah. Classic stuff. I like Janis. This is one of her best known songs (second only to Piece of My Heart, maybe?) so I kept it off the podium for that reason. But it’s also right up there as one of her best songs, imo.

Let us ascend the podium

In 3rd place, scoring 13 points, Pauwl with The Rip by Portishead

By the time Third came out, Portishead had dropped off my radar. I remember hearing this back then and not paying too much attention to it, but on re-listening to it now I really like it. Has a sort of dark, pulsating, slightly psychedelic sound to it, it sounds quite modern actually and not really like their earlier trip-hop sound. It’s aged well.

In 2nd place, scoring 14 points, jalfrezi with Since I’ve Been Loving You by Led Zeppelin

I know this song extremely well, but it’s plausible that I might not have. It’s not one of their super well known songs, but it is a stone cold classic. One of Zeppelin’s bluesier tracks. The extended solo in the middle of the track is some of my favourite stuff from Jimmy Page ever. Good category fit, great track.

In 1st place, scoring 15 points, Louis Cyphre with The Silence by Manchester Orchestra

This category was strong across the board but also relatively flat; this isn’t up there with previous category winners like Carin at the Liquor Store or Your Hand In Mine, but it’s the song I kept coming back to for more listens and gave me more feels than anything else. It was also something entirely new to me in a category full of familiarity. Simple at heart but atmospheric and emotionally-charged, with a satisfyingly intense ending. It connected with me.

Suppose White Rabbit too well known

I’d like to, at this time, take credit for jalfrezi’s selection of Since I’ve Been Loving You.

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That was category 5. Was it good for you?

No reveal tomorrow; this always happens in walruses, you listen to the first few categories as submissions come in, but then you lose your headstart. I haven’t listened to Category 6 at all yet.

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6ix is a great poster, so you’re in for a treat!

Fake Plastic Trees seemed a little beyond obvious for this one. I thought about it though.

Fair ranking imo. I love MitiS and was trying to work one of his songs into this somehow, and this category+song seemed like the best fit, but I much prefer some of his other songs (worth checking out if you like ‘soft’ dubstep).

I’m really enjoying the winner–hadn’t heard it before.

No Shine On You Crazy Diamond for this category? It’s like two hours before the first word is even spoken.