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I think you had a typo in the first paragraph. The one with longer lankier leaves is Sativa right? Failson is indica dominant? Do I have that right?

Looks great!


Gat damn!!

Topped the bigger plant today. Insane how fast the cut off part’s leaves shriveled. Going with the dixie cup method you mentioed @JohnnyTruant. No pictures for now, my once photogenic plant is maimed "/

Here is the after topping photo:

Failson has what appears to be some kind of disease or bug eating a couple of it’s leaves? Should i just cut those leaves off?


3rd plant ziplock terrarium. Hard to get a good pic in there so here is one in one out. The leaves have returned to normal so I assume it is happy.


I flagged this post because I’m pretty sure it’s spam. It’s better camouflaged than usual since it has an avatar and made another non-spam post, but unless this guy comes back to argue his case I propose deletion.


I wanna try these some time.

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I tried to flag it and the software tells me I’m not allowed.

A little too high to tell which one of these are good but 3.5 week update. They are now both going nuts.


omg that one is gonna be a monster i hope you don’t have power lines above you

week 7 you’ll consider sawing off the legs of that planter. DON’T. because week 9 you’ll realize it’s always been uncontrollable. it’s gonna take over your entire backyard, then your town.


It was me that dismissed it, I’m sure another Mod can now delete it if needed I hope.

Which one. Both?

If I top them does that save me?

Clone rooted. Going to a good home tomorrow. Thank you so much for your help. Someone gets a viable weed plant thanks to your generosity.


Read the DNM bible for an introduction and best security practices.

Will be tomorrow but sure.

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i started a partial harvest today because it’s enough already. this farm is totally screwed up. the last one was completely covered in trichomes by the time the top leaves started dying. idk if it’s because they got too close to the light (probably. i’m like 6 inches from the light and they recommend 30 inches) or misc fuckups, but i started to cut down some plants.

the blueberry was totally bunk, i got like zero good buds from it. it got too crowded and didn’t get enough light, i don’t blame the strain.

cotton candy i got like, maybe 1 or 2 grams of bud from it total from the plant. another dud that i attribute completely to my mismanagement of my system

colin OG kush was a solid producer. i got some beautiful buds, photos of which i’ll post after this tournament. maybe like 1.5 or 2 oz

5 plants left and they all look as healthy as the colin og kush.

my plan for the next grow is to just do 4 plants and only use the middle 2 rows of my ebb&flow system. and this time really be diligent about low stress training. i know i said that last time but this time i’m serious about following through with it next time.


the problem is even if i ignore it completely 6/7 days a week it still grew more than enough bud for me, so there isn’t much incentive for me to tend to it like a bonsai weed plant

also as an unfortunate aside, i want to report that my electric bill came and i’m using 3x as much power as comparable homes in my area. this is with a modest LED light, water pumps running 15 minutes/hr and an inline fan running 24/7

also that air stone thing running 24/7. but it’s a small setup

The main advantage of this system is I don’t have to empty the bucket, I can just refill and drain without moving the plants at all.

With the bucket dwc I had to remove the whole deal to change the water or even to check ph

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