Canadian check in

Oh right. Jesus can’t believe I didn’t place that one!

They’re all on YouTube.

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Anyone notice where this Canadian police officer had his knees during this 2019 “wellness check”?

We have have an epidemic of cop killings in Calgary over the past few years.

Ukraine is not a country I expected in the top 10

I have met Toronto cops. There are many bombastic assholes itching for a fight. We also have the awful dynamic where all the cops live in white suburban cul de sacs and consider downtown to be a cesspool of drug addicts and undesirables.

Toronto cops are the blurst but just doing the sniff test I think there’s a huge difference between her death and Floyd’s and their conflation is not going to serve anyone.

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I agree. We don’t know exactly what happened in Toronto, but we know exactly what happened to Floyd. It’s on video!

For the Toronto case, the cops almost certainly fucked up but it seems likely to lean more toward incompetence and/ or negligence rather than outright murder. Obviously still terrible.

Now now. Canadians are supposed to be polite.

The most recent episode of Canadaland podcast is all about this here. One point is we often don’t know much about police violence because our laws prevent journalists from getting information and thereby protect cops.

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Normally condescension is reserved for when someone says something obvious. Oreo’s bratty rich kid eye rolls don’t even make sense here. My assertion not to conflate the two isn’t widely accepted and very few people know anything about Korchinski-Paquet let alone have an educated opinion about what transpired.

The systemic incompetence around mental health intersects with race but has other confounding factors. It’s obvious how the family and legal team benefit from the tenuous connection but it’s hardly convincing until many more facts are revealed.

Itt I’ve learned that Canadians are North America’s answer to Tottenham fans: put more than one of them in a room together and before long they’ll start fighting each other.

At worst we punch each other a couple of times, take five minutes off and come back.

Unless it’s a game misconduct, then we don’t come back.

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Sullivan and Chan appeals case coming out of Ontario rules being intoxicated to the point of automatism is a potential defense to any crime. Cases at bar were:

  1. Dude tries to kill himself with pills. While completely poisoned and delirious he violently attacked his family.
  2. Dude completely out of it on mushrooms (and a traumatic brain injury) violently attacks his family.

Both stories corroborated by witnesses, experts, etc. Judge finds it’s a charter violation to not let them raise the defense of extreme intoxication negating the necessary elements of a crime.

On the news, facebook and twitter this ruling (that’s only applicable for a tiny percentage of cases) is being portrayed as “being drunk is now a valid defense for sexually assaulting someone”.

Anybody have suggestions (or warnings) for a Canadian bank? I’m assuming I can’t join a credit union until I’m actually in Canada.

Most important thing I’m looking for is ldo the ability to open it online. I’m not doing a 14 day quarantine for this.

Low fees would be more important than fancy services since it will be minimally used for now, but the ability to start building a credit score would be nice.

Not sure if Superstores exist where you are going but I’ve heard this bank is super cheap and all online. No branches.

I use CIBC out of sheer inertia. They are meh.

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They got rid of their banking operations a couple of years ago. That part is now with Simplii Financial (which I bank with).

You need a bunch of Canadian ID to be able to open an account with a Canadian bank, but if you have it already, it should be possible to set up an account online.

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Yeah, I’m good there. I have my passport, citizenship certificate, and SIN.

I sure hope so, but not as urgently as you. Last Spring I set the goal of a planned and responsible move by 2022, with the intention of just saying fuck it and going at that deadline no matter what the circumstances.

Urgency level is much higher now for obvious reasons, but I doubt I can get out this year. So I’m still on the path of (im)patiently putting all the pieces in place, but thinking the YOLO point might be sooner. My biggest hurdle is going to be a source of income. Trying to restart my current career in a city where I have no contacts, a province where none of my professional licensing will transfer, and in a country I’ve never lived, isn’t viable at my age.