Canadian check in

Is that Canadian?

Bunny hugs.

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Toronto area here. I split my time between the city and the small town where my wife works.

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I know the Caramilk secret.


welp I just learned that smoking bots is uniquely Canadian. This is like when I found out that they don’t call mickeys mickeys.

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I know what a Robertson screwdriver is.

I did so many bottle tokes as a teenager and early 20s. Never knew I was being patriotic too! :grin:

Does fluency in Newfinese make me more or less likely to be a suspected outsider?

Have you had screech?

I have been to Canada.

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Of course. But that’s really just for tourists and not a thing Newfies actually drink regularly.

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I didn’t realize that this was Canadian thing. I must have missed that cultural heritage commercial on the CBC.

As an aside, those commercials were awesome. I still say “but I’m going to need these baskets back” every time someone asks me for a basket. And I will do so until the day I die.

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It sounded familiar but I had to look it up. Saw it and was like, “oh right, I knew that”. But I never associated it with Canada.

I love that reference.

For me it’s


Good one!

I just know I’m cursed to die thinking it’s funny that I smell burnt toast.

“Wait, what is that smell? Oh god n- hnnnnnnggg.”

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Wait, I don’t get this one?

Is this the same in BC? West coast states say soda

I think so. I’ve never seen it out west.