Calling Men "Incels": Are We The Baddies?

It is the Democratic Primary thread after all…

Revisionist bullshit. Read back and see how it started. You suck.

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Right and calling someone an N word isn’t attacking them for their race, it’s about the culture, right?

You guys have completely fucking lost me here.

Sure if you conflate bad-faith trolling by the right with an accurate description of a typical redditor.

The typical redditor is not an incel dude. Incel’s are a tiny tiny fraction of the population of literally anywhere but 8chan.

Whatever, I’m not hating on reddit in particular, you know who I’m talking about. Change it to typical red-piller on reddit.

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These characterizations of people on reddit seem really weird. Might as well say “twitterer” or “facebooker” or “youtuber”. I’ve mostly read stuff on reddit on computer programming. Essentially everything is discussed on reddit afaict.

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It’s just stupid and so is that.

Facebook = boomer incels
Twitter = chapo incels
Youtube = zoomer incels
Reddit = pepe incels

Hope this helps.

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It does, though probably not for what you wanted it to.

Clearly it didn’t help with getting the knot out of your ass.

Racist:Incel :: Skin colour:???


Gender obviously?

So, to you:

incel is a disgusting term that reduces women to some sort of conquest and ties a man’s self worth into it.

is ‘the same’ as

“racist” is a disgusting term because it reduces people to the color of their skin

That seems right to you, does it? Again, bearing in mind that Vict0ar was referring to ‘incel’ as the incels use it, not as this minority “Thing we call someone we don’t like” definition.

Deplorables reclaiming the word deplorable didn’t make them any less deplorable.

Right, so a non-incel rejecting the word ‘incel’ doesn’t make them any less… incel? Or does it?

Like what the fuck are you talking about, dude? You should just answer the questions, I don’t think analogies are your strong suit.

I don’t know what you’re talking about man, but I think this

is wrong. Victor was specifically referring to Trolly’s use of the term.

The relevant exchange:

I’m assured that when Trolly says “incel”, it means a̶n̶ ̶i̶g̶n̶o̶r̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶ the alt-right generally. So I think you’re mistaken — ■■■■■■■’s post only makes sense if he’s using it as the incels do.

How else do incels use it?

I always assumed it meant an angry youngish man who can’t get a gf, blames feminism and takes it out on minorities.