Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

If Trump wins the EV 270-268 or something despite losing the popular vote by 10M, people are more likely to realize the EC is a joke and we have to do something about it.

Hey did you see all those body bags stacked up in that tractor trailer in Brooklyn? What a hoot! This guy’s the most laughable lame duck of all time!

A year later: holy shit I can’t believe Don Jr is president now.

I worry that the attention span of the people that you would need to convince is not long enough to get them through an explanation of electoral college vs. popular vote.

Not true, you may not have noticed my lack of comment over the last several weeks on this type of stuff, and this is also in a very different context.

Biden losing the popular and winning the electoral vote might actually make a difference. I was sorta joking in an earlier reply to that. A bunch of states have signed onto the pact to go by the popular vote and it would be slightly hard for them to undo that. Adding some red states now might be enough to subvert the EC.

my name is @trolly and when people use words i don’t like on the internet i call them sexless and insult them for using a Bad Posting Site (twitter? reddit?) instead of this, the Good Posting Site

my main function in primary threads is to tell people they can’t criticize a rapist warmonger



All aboard the HYPE TRAIN



He swings, he misses.

It would be a fun exercise to make a plausible map where Dems win the EC but lose the popular vote.

would be funner to make plausible a democracy where everyones vote was worth the same


Nahh, Trump won’t be the death of the republic. The Supreme Court is a better, but still very weak cudgel.

But even…their…votes?


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I’m open to the possibility that I’m wrong but this didn’t change my mind. How is the context different? Sincerely asking.

He’s not directly wishing for riots to break out, just for whatever it would take to cause them to happen.

Well, for starters, we’re talking about a second term versus a first term. I believe we’re talking about a significantly increased risk of full-fledged dictatorial rule.

So your’re not against calling for social unrest. You were just against it at the time the other poster was calling for it?

As I stated at the time, I’m against political violence when there are peaceful avenues still available. Also, suggesting that unrest is good if he loses the popular vote by 10M and wins the EC is different from calling for violence.

Continuous protests are unrest, even if they are peaceful by most people’s definitions.

If you want an omelette.